FWS is a condition where horses pass both solid and liquid material during defecation. It is likely not as severe as diarrhea but equally frustrating for horses and their owners. FWS management typically focuses on dietary management and stress reduction on a horse-by-horse basis. The infographic shared in the post is a helpful tool for veterinary teams to use to educate horse … [Read more...]
Managing your own expectations
New products in a clinic cause excitement. However, your clients may not express the same enthusiasm. So, managing expectations is important for every team member. Source: LinkedIn, December 9, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Coughing dogs: the why and how to prevent it
Complimentary Sponsored Content As holiday boarding season approaches, Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM, is presenting a webinar for pet care professionals at boarding facilities, doggie day cares and groomers on how to prevent respiratory illness in dogs at their locations. She’ll also discuss what causes canine respiratory disease complex in dogs and … [Read more...]
A priest, a drunk and a business leader meet and . . .
Regardless of your age or station in it, self-reflection is an important tool at any point in this journey we call life. Source: LinkedIn, August 28, 2024. Link. I’m good friends with the guy who looks back at me from the mirror. INSIGHTS: “One day at a time,” asserts Bill Treasurer, relating his own story of the good Bill, the bad Bill and the better Bill. … [Read more...]
Dr. Jen the vet to provide canine leptospirosis updates, recommendations
Complimentary Content A new, blended PACCC educational series webinar series is designed for veterinarians, veterinary technicians, petcare and pet services professionals. The series supports the Professional Animal Care Certification Council’s objectives to bring independent testing and certification to the pet care services industry. Source: Dr. Jen the vet, LinkedIn, … [Read more...]
10 visuals that could transform your mindset (illustration slides)
A post by Rob Dance with illustrations by Pejman Milani caught our eyes. Dance’s comments, along with the slides, are good reminders to consider setbacks, priorities and your personal development. Source: Rob Dance, LinkedIn, August 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 26, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, July 18, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from July 18th AHD Bulletin – Facing declining interest in vet practice ownership. Link. Zoonotic web exposes complexity of disease transmission. Link. Biosecurity planning for secure beef supply. Link. ===================================== Managing equine … [Read more...]
Animal health pros really DO matter
Getting caught up in the minutia of our daily animal health activities and checklists is easy. Swine flu, foot-and-mouth, CWD, HPAI, leptospirosis, tickborne diseases and more can create havoc for animals, the food supply and potentially our lives. As we return to our efforts from the Independence Day holiday and dive into 3-Q-2024, this graphic is a stark reminder of the core … [Read more...]
Upcoming industry conversations scheduled at The Bridge Club
Register to join The Bridge Club at no charge during these upcoming conversations: Understanding title protection for veterinary technicians, Zoom, April 24, 2024, 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CDT. <Link to register> Revolutionizing veterinary education, May 02, 2024, 7:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. CDT. <Link to register> Source: The Bridge Club, LinkedIn. <Link> … [Read more...]
The role of technology in reducing stress for cats in veterinary medicine
Innovative solutions are emerging to minimize stress and create a more comfortable experience for cats during veterinary visits writes Craig Wallace. He shares the potential of incorporating telemedicine, AI, calming interventions, and other innovative solutions. With these, veterinary professionals can create a more compassionate and stress-free environment for cats, … [Read more...]
Consistent ordinary produces extraordinary
What a leader does every day may seem ordinary, but ordinary things done consistently are what it takes to be extraordinary. Source: Linkedin, February 5, 2024. Link. You have not had it easy. You have experienced setbacks, barriers, and people who were not on your side. Consistent focused persistence yields results.” – P.T. Malone … [Read more...]
Vaccine hesitancy in pets: A look at adverse event rates
Vaccine hesitancy among pet owners is a concern for people and pets alike, especially if it results in reduced rabies vaccination coverage writes J. Scott Weese, DVM, DACVIM. He also acknowledges that concerns about adverse events are real but ultimately de minimis making the risk:reward worth it. Weese shares results from studies referencing adverse events in dogs and … [Read more...]
Surfactant from bovine lungs keeps premature babies breathing
A colleague shared this post about Bovine Lipid Extract Surfactant, a unique substance made up of fats and proteins found in the lungs of cattle. Most premature human babies are born without enough surfactant in their lung tissues to keep the tiny alveoli from collapsing. BLES works better than any synthetics to date. It has the ability to mimic the complex mixture of proteins … [Read more...]
Telehealth is good for people and pets
Telehealth medicine brings medical resources to people who can’t get to a doctor’s office or hospital. In the same way, veterinary telehealth can bring care to pets whose owners can’t make it to a veterinary clinic. But not in California. Veterinary telehealth is so restricted it is sparingly used for follow-up care or for emergency triage. This editorial by the Los Angeles … [Read more...]
The 5 love languages of cats
Cats offer so many levels of emotion akin to humans, writes John Woolf. They show their affection in a multitude of ways, he says sharing subtilties and five ways cats express affection for owners. Reading a cat is different, to be sure, than reading a dog.” – John Woolf Source: John Woolf, Linkedin, June 26, 2023. Link. The love of a pet is one of the greatest joys a human … [Read more...]
Veterinary Care Logistics announces inaugural Inventory Manager Appreciation Day
Complimentary Content Nominations for the first Inventory Manager of the Year award open on June 7, 2023. Help Nicole spread the word to celebrate the work done by veterinary inventory managers. Inventory management is a crucial element of running a successful veterinary practice and the people in this role deserve a day to be celebrated!” – Nicole Clausen, CSSGB, CCFP, … [Read more...]
Large-scale data breaches can compromise veterinary practices
Complimentary Content Cybersecurity is an ongoing process and not a one-time fix says Clint Latham, JD. He explains how data breaches in other sectors could affect security for veterinarians. The ripple effect of large-scale data breaches poses a significant yet often overlooked threat to the veterinary sector.” – Clint Latham, JD Source: LinkedIn, May 15, 2023. … [Read more...]
Virtual VCPR approved in Arizona!
Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs has signed SB 1503, opening Arizona to a virtual VCPR with safeguards. Arizona pet owners and pets can now access veterinary care wherever they live. Mark L. Cushing, JD, shared the law is expected to take effect in August 2023. Source: Veterinary Virtual Care Association, LinkedIn, May 9, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
People, power and burnout
Recognizing burnout and taking the steps needed to address it is difficult, especially for leaders. Realizing and acting on our individual mental and emotional limitations is a strength, not a weakness. Source: LinkedIn, January 20, 2023. Link. All too often we see politicians and chief executives who are unwilling to loosen their grasp on power, even when it may well be … [Read more...]
What to do if you’re put on a performance improvement plan
Helen Harris says a PIP is an opportunity to improve before facing other actions, such as termination. She reminds people to take time to process the information, and fully understand why they were placed on a PIP in the first place. A good PIP is well documented and detailed . . . If you don’t agree with what’s in the PIP and your manager isn’t willing to negotiate or … [Read more...]
A new model and terminology for understanding feline emotions
New Cat Friendly Guidelines aim to provide a better understanding of feline emotions and how, in the veterinary clinic, interactions with cats and the physical environment can be adapted to achieve a truly cat-friendly experience. The guidelines take a cat-centric approach, respecting their emotions and the resulting behaviors. . . . ‘cat friendly interaction’ replaces ‘cat … [Read more...]
Screen apnea? Learning how we breathe. (video,podcast)
The term screen apnea was coined in 2007 by a former Apple executive who realized she was holding her breath when it came time to check her inbox. She learned she wasn't alone. Musicians, power lifters, sharpshooters, moderators and yes, animal health pros, often take a deep breath and hold it anticipating the next action. We breathe 25,000 times a day. How we breathe has … [Read more...]
Confronting your biases (video)
No one wants to believe they have biases, but we all do, even if we don’t realize it. Source: LinkedIn, July 18, 2022. Link. . . . learn about unconscious biases, plus how to recognize and disrupt them. INSIGHTS: Separate your biases from your helpful experiences. … [Read more...]
How to safely travel with horses
Whether horses travels by road or by air, owners must be aware of the complications that may occur due to transportation, including traumatic injuries, diarrhea, muscular problems, respiratory problems, overheating, colic and even laminitis. The AAEP encourages equine veterinarians and horse owners read Practical Guidelines to Assess Fitness for Transport of Equidae to … [Read more...]
Motivation – beyond the poster
It is Monday: Eight more hours and four more days until the week is over. Can you change the way you feel and find fulfillment? Source: LinkedIn, June 16, 2022. Link. It’s important to take a step back to be able to dive back into your work, feeling motivated again, because you can't pour from an empty cup.” INSIGHTS: Both the employer and the employee have … [Read more...]
VetX International seeking input for 2022 VEER Study
VetX International recently launched a survey for veterinarians, nurses and students to assess the key drivers of career happiness, stress and mental wellbeing. More survey entries will enable deeper insight into the current landscape of veterinary medicine. Take 10 minutes to share your perspectives. Survey Link. Source: Brendan Howard, LinkedIn. June 1, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
The evolution of computer speech
Sponsored Content Talkatoo, an AHD sponsor, recently shared an informative short video about speech recognition, software evolution and the continuous improvements in technology. Source: LinkedIn, February 8, 2022. Link. Talkatoo uses speech-to-text software to type out what you say in full and complete sentences with spelling and grammar corrections also being … [Read more...]
“Farmers thrive when their animals thrive.”
That’s what fourth-generation, Iowa dairy farmer and TikTok sensation Dan Venteicher said in a recent conversation with Kristen Peck, chief executive officer at Zoetis. The pair talked about the importance of taking care of the cows so they produce more milk and remain healthy. Venteicher also shared the reality of using technology and data to help care for and in this case, … [Read more...]
The real effect of ghosting someone (video)
Learning to have difficult conversations requires skills that need to be developed and honed not only for your benefit, but also to protect those around you.”- Simon Sinek Sinek talks about ghosting in personal relationships. His assertions also relate to how frequently we leave people hanging as job candidates, on internal inquiries and even client follow-up. If you like … [Read more...]
Conversations about horse deworming
Complimentary Sponsored Content Kent Morgan, DVM, addresses deworming in adult horses including timing with grazing periods, geographic differences and the importance of annual fecal egg counts for every horse to optimize parasite control. Source: LinkedIn, May 11, 2021. Link. You Tube video. Link. The Zoetis dewormer information is fully aligned with the AAEP Parasite … [Read more...]