In what could be described as a rant, Amy N. Newfield, CVT, VTS (ECC), issues a call to action we’ve heard for decades.
Stop giving away your valuable services for free! Stop telling clients that you agree that veterinary medicine is expensive and that your prices are too high! Stop apologizing for your prices! You are devaluing your time and your talent.” Amy N. Newfield, CVT, VTS (ECC)
It is a good practice to list everything on an invoice including items and services that are eventually not charged to the client. We have advocated using professional courtesy in past posts <Link> to enable the services and products to be captured correctly, to capture discounting behaviors as well as, keeping inventory and services records correct.
Source: Veterinary Team Training, You Tube, April 11, 2023. Link. (5:37)
INSIGHTS: Keep hollering Amy!