A great amount of laboratory work has proven that viruses, including SVA, can survive well in feed but researchers have never had a real-world case where they could come to a strong conclusion that a new virus entered a country through feed imports. Until now. Scott A. Dee, DVM, MS, PhD, explains the significance of the discovery as a big-time wake-up call. Dee encourages … [Read more...]
Munching on meal worms
Some say plant-based meat alternatives have lost their hype. Meanwhile, scientists are working to develop another protein alternative using mealworms. Source: PORK, August 26, 2022. Link. Containing high amounts of fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and high-quality protein, insects can be considered both a nutritious and healthy food source, the article claims. Also … [Read more...]
Pigs and airflow – how important is it and how do we optimize it? (podcast)
An important component of having good health is proper air quality and airflow in swine barns. Brett Ramirez, PhD, discusses proper airflow, the importance of air quality in new and old barns, and other things to consider when designing a new swine facility. Source: Swine It Podcast, August 30, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Ventilation is as important for farm workers as it is … [Read more...]
KCAHC #AHSummit22 exceeds expectations
Kudos to the KCAHC team; Corridor committee; Spencer Breithaupt, Chairman; panel participants; speakers and presenting companies. Congratulations to: Scott Campbell, DVM, who was awarded KCAHC Iron Paw <Link> Vidium Animal Health for being selected as the 2022 Innovation Award recipient for @vidiumah which provides veterinarians and pet owners more tools to manage … [Read more...]
Allen D. Leman Swine Conference slated for September 17-20.
The 2022 Leman Conference will feature sessions covering everything from foreign animal disease and biosecurity to Prop 12 and gene editing for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Internationally acclaimed for bringing science-driven solutions to the complex challenges facing the industry, the event garners hundreds of participants from over 20 countries each … [Read more...]
U.S. hog production: Rising output and changing trends in productivity growth
Opinion Consider a quick scan of the latest hog production report from USDA’s Economic Research Service. Beyond reading the simple summary <Link>, scan the full report introduction and conclusions <Link> to better understand how this animal health segment has met challenges and continued to thrive. The report shows productivity growth and structural change, … [Read more...]
Are these Zombie pigs or dead pigs?
Researchers have restored circulation and cellular activity in the vital organs of pigs, such as the heart and brain, one hour after the animals died. The findings aren’t yet clinically relevant, but the research raises ethical questions about the definition of death. Source: Nature, August 3, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Animal research continues to search for ways to improve … [Read more...]
Tips for controlling flies in livestock herds
Includes Commercial References Flies are a problem wherever you find them. For beef producers, there are four types that impact livestock herd health and productivity: houseflies, horn flies, stable flies and face flies. These are the same flies drawn to garbage, pet feces, roadkill, compost bins, backyard chicken coops and our outdoor activities that include food. Kansas … [Read more...]
Get ready! All livestock antibiotics will be prescription-only in 2023.
The clock is ticking. Start now to educate producers ahead of this important transition to livestock antibiotics being available by prescription-only status. The new rule covers injectable tylosin, injectable and intramammary penicillin, injectable and oral tetracycline, sulfadimethoxine and sulfamethazine, and cephapirin and cephapirin benzathine intramammary tubes. Also, … [Read more...]
Protecting the swine herd
Complimentary Commercial Content Companies serving the swine industry take pig health as seriously as producers. The resources and industry support they collectively provide is important to animal health, production profitability, food safety as well as many One Health concerns. We’re sharing a recent YouTube video from Boehringer Ingelheim Swine Health, U.S. We believe … [Read more...]
Impact of housing environment and management on pre-/post-weaning piglet productivity
Newborn piglets have limited energy reserves, poor ability to regulate their own body temperature and a high surface area to volume ratio. Factors in their environment such as temperature, humidity and drying time affects their first eight weeks of life. The summary shares livability perspectives including, farrowing, the creep area, transportation from farrowing and placement … [Read more...]
ASF moves in two distinct ways based on European incidence
Using European African Swine Fever historical data and spread patterns, Dennis DiPietre and Lance Mulberry hope to gain insight into the unique pathways, natural blocks and accelerated spread corridors within the U.S. In the EU, ASF moves in two distinct ways: The first case or two appear suddenly in an area with no discovered disease nearby. The disease gradually spreads … [Read more...]
A video trip inside a farrowing barn
Complimentary Content Biosecurity protocols appropriately restrict access to modern swine production facilities. But that also means there are fewer persons who experience what goes on in these production units. Educational programs like Dr. Dorman Asks seek to inform the public and provide a look at how pigs are produced for the animal protein market. In a recent edition … [Read more...]
Destructive, formidable, invasive: How is the U.S. managing the feral hog population?
. . . the feral hog is one of the most destructive, formidable invasive species in the U.S.” - U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service" Some 6 million feral hogs exist in the U.S. causing damages estimated at up to $2.5 billion. Beyond damages, the bigger concerns are zoonotic risks and the threat of African swine fever infecting the feral … [Read more...]
Detection of multiple lineages of PRRSV in breeding and growing swine farms
We’ve heard a lot about viral variants since the fall of 2019. Swine researchers and veterinarians continue to work toward better understanding of swine diseases and methods of mitigating disease risks. In this study, the researchers sought to understand the potential long-term impact of multiple prevailing PRRSV variants on pig performance. Their study demonstrated the … [Read more...]
Pork industry experts list current priorities during World Pork Expo
As part of the pork industry's long-range strategic planning process, the Pork Industry Visioning Task Force prioritized international trade, foreign animal disease and labor as key policy issues to address that will move the industry forward. Source: Agri-Marketing, June 13, 2022. Link. Policy papers are available at www.nppc.org/wpxmedia for more detailed information. … [Read more...]
Vietnam first to commercially produce African swine fever vaccine
USDA's Agricultural Research Service sent an official letter to the Department of Animal Health of Vietnam confirming NAVET-ASFVAC vaccine is safe and effective. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 2, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
2022 World Pork Expo live June 8-10, 2022
Since 1988, the National Pork Producers Council has presented World Pork Expo at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. There’s something for everyone including an expansive trade show, educational seminars, industry updates and networking. PLUS, there is tasty pork being cooked every which way. Source: World Pork Expo. Link. … [Read more...]
Performance impact of weaning pigs at older age
Raising pigs to meet market demands has required considerable research to manage pig health, sow fertility, genetics, nutrition, meat quality and production costs. Weaning age trials done by Pipestone Applied Research shows promising results across many factors. An older pig grew faster and was hardier, requiring less labor and overall production inputs on the finishing … [Read more...]
Understanding colostrum intake by newborn pigs
Consumption of colostrum is critical for newborn piglets. We know that. We also know farrowing can last over several hours creating variability in individual piglet vitality. Various interventions are implemented for late born pigs in farrowing units across the U.S. A recent study in more than 600 piglets examined relationships among birth characteristics, early nursing … [Read more...]
Protect pigs with proper ventilation
Many parts of the U.S. have already experienced temperatures in the 80’s. Five tips from Mark Oberreuter are good reminders to ensure hogs have an optimal environment during hot weather. Have your fans, shutters and other cooling system components ready, so that if hot weather is expected, your pigs can stay cool and at their highest levels of productivity.” Source: PORK, May … [Read more...]
Hunting feral hogs makes the problem worse
Hunting and killing may help with the feral hog population numbers, but it’s not the solution to this disastrous problem, according to John Tomecek, associate wildlife professor and extension wildlife specialist at Texas A&M University. Hunting spreads hogs across the landscape. Feral hogs move in groups called sounders. The best way to get rid of them is to get rid of a … [Read more...]
Mosquito-borne virus an ordeal for Australian swine producers
Swine producers are fighting with a new virus that challenges even the best biosecurity. Flooding and wet conditions have supported an increase in mosquitoes which carry the virus. Source: PORK, April 5, 2022. Link. The Japanese encephalitis virus is a flavivrus in the same family as West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, and Murray Valley encephalitis virus. The … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 7, 2022
Last week’s most read AHD posts How to follow up with someone who’s not getting back to you. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, March 31, 2022. Link. =================================== Feral pigs are biological time bombs. Can California stem their ‘exponential’ damage? Source: Los Angeles Times, April 1, … [Read more...]
Smithfield Foods awarded for net-zero, operational excellence projects
Despite criticism about carbon footprints, sustainability, factory farming and various waste concerns, animal production giant Smithfield Foods is making gains via its daily pursuit of operational excellence. Smithfield Foods, Inc. was awarded 2022 Manufacturing Leadership Awards by the Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of … [Read more...]
Scientists decode pig emotions from their sounds
Swine language is the new talk of the town. Researchers in Europe recorded 7,414 sounds from 411 pigs in different scenarios from birth to death. They also measured heart rate and monitored behavior. The researchers then developed an algorithm to determine if pigs were experiencing a positive or negative emotion or something in between. Due to the impact of emotions on … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 24, 2022
Last week’s most read post Preconditioning starts when the calf hits the ground. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, March 17, 2022. Link. =================================== Click here for a free 7-day trial --> Link #TalkatooTerry Your dog can go vegan – but cats are natural born killers Source: The Guardian, … [Read more...]
Fact sheet examines compounds to mitigate virus-contaminated feed
There’s no doubt we are more aware of biosecurity these days. One area of concern for livestock producers is whether feed and feed ingredients may also be routes of virus transmission and how to manage those risks. A new fact sheet from Iowa Pork Industry Center focuses on three research papers that evaluated compounds to mitigate virus-contaminated feed. Swine specialist … [Read more...]
3 Ways telemedicine improves veterinary care for livestock
Opinion It is no secret livestock owners, farmers and ranchers have challenges accessing qualified veterinary care. The Veterinary Feed Directive put added requirements on available food animal veterinarians. Many equine and livestock veterinarians have used the telephone effectively for years. Now, new digital tools offer potentially more efficiency and effectiveness for … [Read more...]
Anti-mink farming bill should concern poultry, confined animal production industry
OPINION It’s easy to forget about mink production, especially if you live in a region where mink have never been raised, writes Roy Graber. The fact that a provision that would outlaw commercial mink farms in the U.S. made it into a larger legislative bill should be concerning to anyone involved in animal agriculture, he says. Animal agriculture has been under intense … [Read more...]