Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 8, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the August 8th AHD Bulletin – Adjusting to your customer. Link. Inflation pinching pet owners, forcing pet spending decisions. Link. Communicating value for technician appointment fees. Link. Study: Two, 200mg doses of iron dextran better than 1 dose of … [Read more...]
Immunity, more than just giving a shot, let’s review
Commentary I like the title of this article. It reminds me of so many conversations about vaccine timing, maternal antibodies, labels saying “for the vaccination of healthy animals,” booster dose timing and more. In the article here, Jason Anderson, DVM reviews what it takes to mount an immune response sufficient enough to create immunity. Giving a shot of vaccine does not … [Read more...]
Considerations for cow bedding
Waterbeds for cows always conjures a comical mental image. But, considering dairy cows will rest in a lying position 14 or more hours per day <Link>, choosing the best bedding is an important decision for dairy producers. Amber Adams Progar reviews the pros and cons of different bedding types in this article. Source: Progressive Dairy, June 12, 2024. Link. Related: … [Read more...]
Are ducks the new chicken?
Erin Snyder addresses this oft-heard statement in backyard flock enthusiast groups beginning with ducks as waterfowl and chickens as pheasants. She says raising both makes for backyard fun and learning. Source: Hobby Farms. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider sharing this article in social media posts, in newsletters and with youth groups raising animals for fairs and shows. … [Read more...]
Weese: Perspectives on H5N1 in Colorado cats
Scott Weese, DVM, shares thoughts on Colorado cats diagnosed with avian flu. He advises a focus on infection control, against symptom biases and acknowledges the need for increased surveillance. The risk posed by cats to people and other animals is completely unclear at this time.” Source: Worms and Germs, August 11, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: We noted Weese didn’t mention … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 8, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 1, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the August 1st AHD Bulletin – The state of allyship in animal health. Link. Stop chasing vanity metrics. Link. Some change is necessary, some inevitable, stability is critical. Link. The chemistry behind the smell of wet dogs. … [Read more...]
Study: Two, 200mg doses of iron dextran are better than a single dose of 200 mg
Veterinary student Francisco Gomez Cruz’s research project shows a benefit for pigs by doubling the amount of iron dextran given in the first 10 days of life. Other than the low cost of another dose of iron dextran, handling the pigs twice appears to have an overall net weight benefit at the end of the wean-to-finish period. Source: PORK, July 24, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
A 6-year wait for a saddle is worth it
For more than 30 years, Nancy Martiny has improved her craft of making horse saddles. In a business dominated by men, Martiny has built one based on making saddles that can’t be found anywhere else. Today, the wait for a “Nancy saddle” is six years or more. She makes her saddles for working horses and the cowboys and cowgirls who ride them. Source: The New York Times, August … [Read more...]
ARS, APHIS: Trichinella no longer a risk
ARS and the Animal and USDA's Plant Health Inspection Service conducted a national survey by sampling 3.2 million pigs raised under the U.S. Pork Quality Assurance Plus program and found zero animals infected with trichinella. Data obtained from testing support the conclusion that pork from pigs managed under the PQA+ program do not pose a public health risk.” Source: PORK, … [Read more...]
Declining cull cow numbers reflect shift from beef-on-dairy trend
Dairy producers are enjoying the cash flow improvements from the beef-on-dairy market, which is lowering the number of cull cows marketed and increasing the purchases of semen. The beef-on-dairy trend is also challenging the number of replacement dairy heifers available and prioritizing the purchase of gender-sorted dairy semen. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, August 5, 20234. … [Read more...]
Incorporating BQA into practice
Beef Quality Assurance education and practices remain one of the more important efforts for and by cattle producers. Ongoing support and leadership from veterinarians is vital to continue seeing producer successes and consistent quality beef products. BQA-certified operations are estimated to provide 85 percent of U.S. fed-beef. Julia Herman, DVM, MS, DACVPM, shares the … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 1, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, July 26, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the July 26th AHD Bulletin Smart ways to handle too much business. Link. Sharing cases can create confusion. Link. Beware of these toxic flowers in gardens, yards, building sites. Link. Toxic leadership. Link. … [Read more...]
ICASA Award addresses antimicrobial stewardship for BRD
Multifactor bovine respiratory disease remains a major expense to producers who commonly treat the late stage pulmonary disease with antibiotics. ICASA, along with matching funds from other organizations, has funded a $2,446,948 research grant to Brad J. White, DVM, MS, who is building a multi-disciplinary team to research how the secondary diseases form in cattle infected with … [Read more...]
Iowa State researchers find possible way dairy cattle are infected with HPAI
A study published this month by a team in ISU's College of Veterinary Medicine found that bovine mammary gland tissue held receptors for the avian influenza virus. This offers a potential “why” connection for how cattle are being infected with the virus, which is found in raw milk. Source: AgriMarketing, July 19, 2024. Link. Also see: Current H5N1 situation in dairy … [Read more...]
Revolutionary tech for hog barn monitoring
Commercial Content Like big brother for hogs, NUtrack’s surveillance technology promises to help producers manage barns more efficiently from their phones. The NUtrack system uses full body recognition as facial recognition is difficult from cameras above the animals. The NUtrack system, developed by researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, allows producers to … [Read more...]
AI powered app can recognize cows from 50 feet away
Commercial Content Agtech start-up 406 Bovine is working to simplify cattle identification using facial recognition technology and smartphones. The technology can be used anywhere which eliminates the short-distance restrictions of current RFID. Source: Dairy Reporter, July 22, 2024. Link. Anything that can be done with RFID tags can be done with facial recognition . . . … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 26, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, July 18, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from July 18th AHD Bulletin – Facing declining interest in vet practice ownership. Link. Zoonotic web exposes complexity of disease transmission. Link. Biosecurity planning for secure beef supply. Link. ===================================== Managing equine … [Read more...]
Biting barn flies may be spreading mastitis-causing bacteria, study says
Researchers have tried to link pathogens spread by barn flies with the incidence of bovine mastitis on dairy farms, paving the way for potential disease prevention strategies. Altogether, <study> results identify biting flies as underrecognized carriers of bacterial taxa associated with environmental bovine mastitis and other opportunistic infection in vertebrates and … [Read more...]
Impact of hoof trimming on milk production
Like a house built on sand, dairy cows with hoof problems won’t stand up to the rigors of dairy life and production. Research shared in this article shows that dairy farms need to carefully consider the timing of trimming interventions to optimize production outcomes and affect cow behavior. “. . . the timing of preventive hoof trimming during lactation can significantly … [Read more...]
Cheese, butter and yogurt products fueling dairy market growth (slideshow)
Cheese, butter and yogurt are fueling dairy products category growth, along with new dairy-based products designed to capitalize on convenience, health and snacking trends. Source: Feedstuffs, July 18, 2024. Link. “U.S. consumers are drinking less milk with each year, but overall dairy sales are on a multiyear winning streak.” … [Read more...]
Is the annual pork price peak behind us?
The yearly pattern in hog prices is largely driven by the yearly pattern in pork production, writes Ron Plain. He shares an overview of hog prices on the farm, in the futures and at retail. Source: National Hog Farmer, July 22, 2024. Link. Weekly pork production is lowest in the summer and highest in the winter. “Lower costs contributed far more to profits than higher hog … [Read more...]
The cure for high prices could be high prices in beef cattle market
Market data suggests beef producers should brace for significant expansion in cow numbers in 2026. Wesley Tucker provides a historical perspective and reviews beef market and herd number projections in the coming years. Source: Missouri Ruralist, July 22, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Training dogs to not attack chickens
The “leave it” command is critical to managing safe dog poultry interactions, shares The Dog Expert, Carolyn Georgariou. Leave it works on more than chickens and is much more humane than the old-style method shown in the photo. Source: Backyard Poultry, February 26, 2019. Link. … [Read more...]
Don’t let cattle drink this pond water
No producer wants to think about hauling water in the summer. Yet, harmful algal blooms are a potential risk in freshwater ponds and streams this time of the year. They are primarily caused by cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae. Mindy Ward shares what the NRCS and CDC advise if animals are exposed to cyanobacteria and ways to reduce risks. Source: Missouri … [Read more...]
Battling flies this summer
Last week we provided tips to help manage flies in facilities <Link>. In this article, Bob Larson, DVM, asserts fly control strategies need to be flexible and may need to be changed. He discusses unique characteristics of the four common flies that pester cattle: horn flies, face flies, stable flies and horse flies. Source: Drovers, July 9, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Study finds each Beef Checkoff dollar returns $13.41
Statistics uncovered by an independent study indicate the goal to increase beef demand in the U.S. and worldwide is being achieved while providing producers and importers with an excellent return on their national Checkoff investments. Source: BEEF, July 10, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Boost beef-on-dairy calf value with good health records
With the beef-on-dairy market booming, dairy farmers using a beef-on-dairy program must seize every opportunity to market their crossbred calves effectively, writes Taylor Leach. This means ensuring the highest health and nutrition standards, plus maintaining detailed health and vaccination records. She shares what is important and what should be recorded. Source: Dairy Herd … [Read more...]
Biosecurity planning for secure beef supply
Foot and mouth disease fears have driven transdisciplinary approaches to biosecurity across livestock industry segments. The current issues with high-path avian influenza in dairy cattle underscores the importance of biosecurity planning as it is the leading protection against diseases. The Beef Checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance program proactively established … [Read more...]
Zoonotic web exposes complexity of disease transmission
As humans, animals, and wildlife coexist, there’s a lot to consider, including the zoonotic risks of cross-species disease transfers. This article provides a comprehensive picture of naturally occurring zoonotic interactions, sure to expand how animal health pros view zoonotic transmissions and risk management. A major challenge for the One Health community is quantifying … [Read more...]
Facility tips to help manage the impact of flies on cattle
Sponsored Content Got flies? Choosing fly control products is important, but proper facilities management along with product rotation and application are even more crucial for effectively controlling fly populations. Note: The management tips shared here also apply to anywhere flies and animals exist such as kennels, animal shelters, stables and backyard poultry … [Read more...]