Livestock guard dogs are an increasingly popular tool in livestock management, writes Terri Queck-Matzie. Most weigh more than 100 pounds and are bred to live outside with livestock and not as a pet for people’s homes. Anatolian shepherds, Akbash, Great Pyrenees, Kuvasz, and Central Asian shepherds are breeds recognized by the AKC. Source: Successful Farming, July 11, 2023. … [Read more...]
Will the avian flu fly in and splash down this fall?
It is NOT too early to work with poultry producers to increase avian flu biosecurity measures and surveillance. How much the disease will impact U.S. poultry this coming fall has not been predicted to date but it is always good to be prepared.” The BirdCast estimates 109 million birds are already on the move (a map image is shown in the Worth a Glance section). Additional … [Read more...]
Will animals at your county fair launch the next pandemic?
Since 2011, there have been more confirmed human cases of swine flu in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world, according to the article linked here. Most have come from agricultural shows and fairs. Dr. Andrew Bowman, a molecular epidemiologist at The Ohio State University, and his colleagues have documented the dangers and looked for ways to make pig shows safer. He says … [Read more...]
4 things to bring ROI to cattle operations
Animal health pros who work with or call on cattle producers benefit from understanding how producers make money. Wesley Tucker explains how to use herd income generated from drought-induced downsizing to consider making strategic investments in forages, fence or water, irrigation, feed storage and handling in lieu of paying higher taxes. Source: MissouriRuralist, July 24, … [Read more...]
Cattle report shows no herd rebuilding in sight
Commentary Beef may be what’s for dinner, but the beef replacement heifer inventory is the lowest in 50 years. For animal health pros working with beef producers, this is not a budgetary forecast disaster. There is a long-standing segment of the market that avoids the use of vaccines and preventatives. Now is the time to help producers optimize the value of each living … [Read more...]
Veterinarians, nutritionists find value when working together
Swine production practices have advanced considerably in the last two decades. The historical large divide between veterinarians and nutritionists is progressively closing. AMVC swine veterinarian, Jason Hocker, and swine nutritionist, Trey Kellner, shared perspectives on finding value at the intersection of veterinary medicine and swine nutrition in pork production during the … [Read more...]
Iowa Pork Industry Center seasonal ventilation checklists now available
Regardless of the size of a hog building, following a regular process for maintaining ventilation systems can pay big economic dividends. New summer and winter checklists are available to help guide and remind people in charge of maintenance and ventilation of necessary tasks and inspections. Keeping a printed checklist that stays in the barn can be a useful tool to facilitate … [Read more...]
The bovine nasal fungal community and associations with bovine respiratory disease
Commentary Consider the end of a cow’s nose. Picture what it encounters throughout the day. A variety of environmental conditions exist when cows inhale dirt, pond water, silage, grasses, baled hay, another cows’ behind, cow manure, wildlife feces and so on. Effective identification and treatment of bovine respiratory disease is an ongoing health and economic issue for … [Read more...]
Running with the bulls. Tradition, bravery, craziness?
Ernest Hemingway was fascinated by the running of the bulls and bullfights. His depictions of Spain, festivals and the bulls likely increased the popularity of the events. Thought to originate in the 13th century, La Fiesta de San Fermín originated in 1591 when three festivals - the San Fermín festival, town fair of Pamplona and a celebration of bullfighting were combined … [Read more...]
Three reasons farmers give antibiotics to livestock and poultry
With fair season underway, some livestock people face scrutiny from the general public while showing their animals. Phibro’s Leah Dorman, DVM, shares why animals are given antibiotics in food production. Consider sharing her article with FFA and 4-H members who can use her article to support their production practices and the importance of responsible use. Source: Explore … [Read more...]
100 years and a whole lot of Hereford bulls
Hereford World’s Herd Bull and Reference Edition celebrates 100 years of tracking and cataloging the best of the bald-faced Hereford breed. . . . a lot has changed in the last 100 years, but the Hereford breed remains strong and of interest to cattlemen worldwide. . . “ Source: Hereford World, July 2023. Link. NOTE: Photos courtesy of Hereford World. Description of bulls … [Read more...]
The back story on dumped tanker loads of milk
Too much milk? Yes. Labor shortages? Absolutely! Corey Geiger shares why so much milk has been dumped and a historical perspective on June Dairy Month, the spring flush and how spot loads of milk have traditionally gone to cheese makers. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, July 10, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Seaboard Farms joins the world’s mega swine producers
Merriam, Kansas-based Seaboard Farms’ 365,000 sows make it the fourth largest swine company in the U.S. and one of the world’s mega swine producers, according to Jim Long, president and CEO, Genesus Inc. Long’s company compiles an annual list of the world’s producers with more than 100,000 sows. Source: Genesus, Link. View the mega producer listing here. … [Read more...]
Blister beetles in hay are a danger for livestock, horses
Got grasshoppers? Then it is likely blister beetles may be present as grasshopper eggs are a main food source for them <Link>. With drought causing more hay to be transported about the country, it is important for livestock producers and horse owners to monitor the hay and their animals for signs of blister beetles. Elizabeth Cronin shares some ways to reduce the threat … [Read more...]
Dairy goats or meat goats? Which is right for you?
Second-year 4-H’er Brooke Nafziger shares a simple goat personality test to help people decide which type of goat they prefer. She shares her experiences and what she has learned from raising dairy and meat goats. There are different goats for different folks. So be sure it’s the kind of goat that’s right for you!” Source: Backyard Goats, July 13, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 6, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 29th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 29nd AHD Bulletin – Study: PRP gel accelerates skin wound healing in horses. Link. How to charge for technician appointments. Link. Skipping rocks and back to basics. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Looking back while charging forward
As the third quarter of 2023 begins, the animal health industry continues to adapt to ever-changing new norms. Dr. Google’s influence may be diminishing as new information sources expand in the B2C sector capitalizing on major publications’ use of their databases from other markets. It is important to remember media sources still influence animal owners’ understanding and … [Read more...]
Establish a sales trigger for cattle during drought
It’s not unusual for producers, their vets and bankers to collaborate on business efforts. This is a good article for those discussions. Recent rains in the Midwest gave only temporary drought relief. There’s a point where you can’t grow or buy your way out of a drought.” – Wesley Tucker Source: Missouri Ruralist, June 26, 2023. Link. Consider some aggressive culling to … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 29, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 22nd, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 22nd AHD Bulletin – Quiet quitting or setting boundaries. Link. New graduates may have no idea how to behave in the office. Link. 11 signs a cat needs to see a veterinarian immediately. Link. Demand for Yaks growing. Link. Place keeper: 2023 … [Read more...]
New heat stress app for pig producers
Heat stress in pigs costs the U.S. swine industry an estimated $481 million annually in revenue losses. HotHog, a new smartphone app that predicts heat stress in pigs is now available from USDA’s Agriculture Research Service. HotHog is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Hogs don’t sweat. They cope with heat through panting, while the caregivers adjust … [Read more...]
BVDV in wild hogs
Wild pigs can carry a number of infectious diseases including zoonotic diseases. A high seroprevalence rate of bovine diarrhea virus in wild pigs has been found in several U.S. states, according to a recent study by investigators at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in Auburn, Alabama. Cattle are known as the dominant source of BVDV infection for pigs. … [Read more...]
Apps to help manage backyard chickens
One thing all chicken keepers need is a method to manage their birds. Ana Hotaling reviews four poultry-management apps backyard chicken keepers can consider to help them manage their flocks. Source: Hobby Farms, June 21, 2023. Link. Smartphone apps allow poultry keepers to easily add and modify flock information, keep track of egg production, and keep tabs on much more … [Read more...]
Avoid algae in horse and livestock water troughs
Working to maintain algae-free water helps keep horses drinking as temperatures rise. Here are two resources addressing algae growth suitable for sharing with horse and livestock owners on social media or in newsletters. Frequent water tank cleaning is important, especially in warm months and especially with plastic tanks.” Clair Thunes, PhD, says most algae don’t pose a … [Read more...]
Study: PRP gel accelerates skin wound healing in horses
A scientist in Pakistan recently shared study results that indicate using platelet-rich plasma can be a safe, effective approach to hastening wound healing in horses. Muhammad Talha Sajjad, DVM, MPhil, PhD, found PRP gel encourages re-epithelialization and accelerates skin wound healing by promoting wound contraction and stabilization of the collagen fiber arrangement. … [Read more...]
AAHA announces 2023 AAHA Mentoring Guidelines
The July AAHA Trends provided the first look at the updated AAHA Mentoring Guidelines last published in 2008. “The 2023 guidelines present a modern blueprint to building a better culture for the profession,” according to Jessica Vogelsang, DVM. Now available on the AAHA website, the 2023 Mentoring Guidelines materials include a single page Guidelines at a Glance … [Read more...]
Concerns rise as drought reduces hay supply
Early-season drought conditions across much of the country have affected the hay supply. Beyond basic availability, there are concerns about nutritional value, dependability of the hay source and what is in hay bought from an outside source. Whether buying hay for horses or cattle, there are important considerations to get the quality and value animals need. The five … [Read more...]
Guiness’ smallest bull in the world (video)
Humphrey is a miniature Zebu Bull who is about 26.6 inches tall and weighs around 85 pounds. He lives at a farm outside of Kalona, Iowa, and has been the Guinness Book of Records world record holder for five years. Source: Power 96, June 19, 2023. Link. Also see: Interest in miniature cattle continues to surge, AHD, April 11, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Demand for Yaks growing
With producer grant funds from Southern Sustainable Research and Education, Yak production education and artificial insemination methods are being developed. Yaks require less forage, are easier to manage than bison, while providing a leaner meat and possibilities for fiber similar to cashmere.” Source: Acreage Life, July 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
The effect of day-only versus day-plus-night cooling of dairy cows
We shared cattle heat stress reminders in a recent post <Link>. The results of a recent study showed the benefits of enhanced day+night cooling versus day-only cooling of dairy cows. Over the duration of the study, enhanced day+night cooling cows produced more milk, had lower rumen temperatures and reduced panting compared with day-only cooling cows. When temperatures … [Read more...]
35th World Pork Expo draws more than 10,000 people
Reports from three swine publications indicate the 2023 World Pork Expo was a success. Authors cite camaraderie, concerns about personal and professional health and touch on the top issues covered in seminars and presentations. Prop 12, labor, input costs, biosecurity, market opportunities and new technologies were topics of high interest, as were world-class BBQ and … [Read more...]