Nutrition is one factor the veterinary healthcare team can affect, writes Kara M. Burns, MS, MEd, LVT, VTS (Nutrition). Burns advocates for involving veterinary nurses as nutrition counselors for pet owners and the practice team. She discusses the values of nutritional education, the challenges of misinformation and shares details on the NAVC Pet Nutrition Coach … [Read more...]
Target these goals for dairy steers
Dairy and crossbred steers are no longer thought of as subquality meat. However, there are some nuances to ensure quality. Daniel Schaefer, PhD, is quoted in this article from the May Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, “Capturing full value for Holstein and crossbred steers.” The ideal Holstein steer is the kind of steer that, in the right conditions, is both a dairy steer harvester … [Read more...]
Decoding the guaranteed analysis on cat food labels
No wonder cat food labels are confusing! When pet foods became common, the template just got moved over from livestock and never really got adjusted. It’s a lot different from what we are used to seeing on “Nutrition Facts” labels for human foods.” - Cailin R. Heinze, VMD, MS, DACVN To clear up some of the confusion, the authors provide a guaranteed analysis … [Read more...]
Eating less meat won’t save the planet. Here’s why.
If you are concerned about climate change, water use or greenhouse gases, listening to this program is a must. The presentation addresses many of the disparaging environmental messages about beef and dairy production. As is often the case, the short answer is not the true answer. Source:, YouTube, April 25, 2021. Link. Listening time is 24 minutes. INSIGHTS: … [Read more...]
Equine nutrition 101
Without the proper nutrients, horses are also likely to experience depleted energy, behavioral problems, a weakened immune system – and the list goes on. Laura Boynton dug into the vital nutrients horses need to thrive. Source: Equine Wellness, April 23, 2021. Link. “Common errors include feeding the wrong type of feed for the type of horse,” says Kathleen Crandell, PhD. … [Read more...]
Flavored water may help horses drink more
Concerns that hospitalized horses that did not consume enough water and could develop colic led to testing different water flavors often used in veterinary settings. The winner of the taste test was sweet-feed flavored water, which the test group horses significantly preferred over plain water. If you're going to try flavoring a horse's water to try to get them to drink … [Read more...]
Help horses handle vaccination well
Most vaccine labels read, “For the vaccination of healthy horses . . .” Not all horses that seem well are healthy enough to mount immune responses. Stress, chronic lameness, age and poor nutrition can impact immunity. Madalyn Ward, DVM, shares steps horse owners can take to help their horse experience the best response to vaccinations with the fewest negative … [Read more...]
Antioxidant use is growing. Do they work?
Marilyn Iturri discussed antioxidants with several veterinarians to better understand if antioxidants are viable options for supporting animal health. There is no clear-cut answer except a complete and balanced pet food should supply a healthy amount of antioxidants, unless supplementation could potentially help. Everyone wants to group antioxidants together as … [Read more...]
Do you really need to drink 8 glasses of water a day?
A one-size-fits-all fluid replacement strategy, such as drinking eight glasses of eight ounces of water per day, is inappropriate for everyone, writes Tamara Hew-Butler. How much water each person needs to drink mainly depends on three factors: Body weight Environmental temperature Physical activity levels Source: The Conversation, April 21, 2021. Link. Unless … [Read more...]
K-9 kibble enhancement guide
Adjusting dog diets with fresh, raw and organic foods is popular. This article is a guide, compares fresh foods as supplemental versus kibble elimination and reminds pet owners to balance portions to manage weight gains. Whether raw or lightly cooked, a mostly fresh food diet yields outstanding results, with clear eyes, beautiful coats, great teeth, sweet breath, calm … [Read more...]
U.S. dairy cows upcycle up to 306 million pounds of food waste every day
Cows have been targets of bad press in recent years. But thanks to the rumen, cows divert millions of pounds of food waste from landfills. In the process they turn byproducts into milk, meat and manure. Georgie Smith shares the benefits of upcycling tasks cows perform. Source: The Daily Churn, July 24, 2020. Link. … [Read more...]
Pet food modernization still a work in progress
Lindsay Beaton shares what is, what is being proposed and where confusion exists in the efforts to update pet food labeling. The idea of simplifying things for pet food customers is constantly evolving in the industry. Making it easier to understand pet nutrition has been a consistent demand heard from advocacy groups, veterinarians, customers and pet … [Read more...]
Research explains why cool cows can provide more milk
Heat stress represents a major burden to the dairy industry making improving cow comfort and productivity in the hot and humid summer months a significant management objective. University of Georgia researchers determined that dairy cattle cooled with fans and sprinklers respond better to heat stress, produce more milk and have healthier mammary glands. A recent study … [Read more...]
Virtual fencing technology to intensively graze lactating dairy cattle, really?
Grazed pasture is generally the most cost-effective nutrient source in pasture-based dairy systems. A recent study compared traditional electric fence to GPS technology connected to cow collars. The objective was to measure the technology efficacy and pasture use outcomes. Source: Journal of Dairy Science, April 1, 2021. Link. Overall, this study demonstrated a successful … [Read more...]
Watch for grass tetany and milk fever in spring calving herds
Lush green grass is a welcome sign of spring. Cows in otherwise good condition and health are sometimes found demonstrating unusual behaviors, unsteady gait or inability to rise. These are early signs of grass tetany and milk fever, says Paul Beck. He describes the magnesium and calcium shortages that bring about these diseases. They are hard to differentiate, and are difficult … [Read more...]
Chickens in a minute; including treats (video)
Most backyard birds receive treats because it’s fun for the owners. But overdoing it is dangerous because our birds can fill up on them. Chickens only have 24 taste buds compared to our 10,000.” Source: Backyard Poultry, April 2, 2021. Link. Also see: Lesser-known facts about chickens and ducks Backyard Poultry, April 2, 2021. Link. … [Read more...]
Changing feline eating habits can be good
Donna Raditic DVM, DACVN, CVA challenges traditional feeding habits and suggests encouraging diet variety for cats. She outlines rationales and benefits with catvocate Steve Dale. Source: Catster, March 31, 2021. Link. Think about what cats do in the wild. It makes sense to offer a cat two or three diets, each with different textures, tastes and smells (unless the cat is … [Read more...]
Pet products landscape is continuously evolving
“The omnimarket experience has redefined the way pet owners search for, find and buy pet products. It transcends retail channels and product categories,” shared David Sprinkle, publisher and research direction for Packaged Facts. He said, “. . . the humanization of companion animals is increasingly evident with pet food, especially evident with fresh pet food, with pet food … [Read more...]
Uniform body-condition technique helps improve sow herd management
Body condition scoring is common in beef, dairy and equine settings. It is not that easy in sow herds and human variables add complexity. Cary Sexton, DVM, working with a sow caliper device designed by Mark Knauer, PhD, were able to standardize sow body condition instead of relying on visual scores after training staff members. Employees using the sow caliper regularly also … [Read more...]
This ain’t chicken feed
While poultry enthusiasts may be working for idiomatic chicken feed, there are recommended steps to decide what to feed chickens. Janet Garman helps make sense of all the choices. Source: Backyard Poultry, March 18, 2021. Link. The first consideration for what to feed chickens is their nutritional requirements. Chickens need protein, carbohydrates, and fats, along with the … [Read more...]
Spring into horse care as weather warms
Complimentary Commercial Content from SmartPak Christine Barakat and Dusty Perin cover laminitis prevention to mud management to vaccination scheduling in this volume of EQUUS Extra. Items include: 14 things to do for your horse this season Spring horse keeping priorities Reduce the risk of laminitis Source: EQUUS Extra, Volume 40, Spring 2020. … [Read more...]
Feeding cats. Enough or too much?
Regardless of how long they’ve owned them, cat owners often wonder if they are feeding their cats enough or too much. They also inquire about what brand to feed, wet versus dry feed and when to feed it. The Catster editors answer these questions in the article below. Source: Catster, March 18, 2021. Link. Also see: Optimal nutrition calculators for cats and dogs, Animal … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 18, 2021
The 5 best TED Talks to watch today Source: Forbes, March 5, 2021. Link. Topics include work stress, side hustles, anxiety gaps, teaching girls, freelancing. Four causes for ‘Zoom fatigue’ and their simple fixes Source: Stanford News, February 23, 2021. Link. “Videoconferencing is a good thing for remote communication, but just … [Read more...]
Jan Pol, DVM: 5 tips for hobby farmers to keep farm animals healthy
Nat Geo WILD’s Incredible Dr. Pol shares tips for hobby farmers. His perspective is multi-species and the tips focus on preventing health issues using vaccines, cleanliness and reducing animal interactions with new or wild animals. Source: Hobby Farms, January/February 2021. Link. The Incredible Dr. Pol is now in its 17th season on Nat Geo WILD <link>. … [Read more...]
Understanding beef implants
Let’s review. Growth-promoting implants in beef cattle production are used to increase muscle accretion and market weight by increasing daily gain and feed efficiency. Implants must meet stringent requirements to be deemed safe for consumers and animals. Implants have a minuscule effect on hormone content of beef.” Source: Progressive Cattle, March 8, 2021. Link. Implanted … [Read more...]
Simmons. Animal health is a game changer
Jeffrey Simmons, president and CEO of Elanco, says we aren’t going to eat our way out of climate change with plant-based foods. He emphasizes that animal health is a game changer, not just for the well-being of animals, but for society to obtain a stable environment, clean water, clean air and high-quality food. Source: LinkedIn, Elanco, March 11, 2021. (video) Link. Our … [Read more...]
Optimal nutrition calculators for cats and dogs available
OPINION Pet owners are responsible for their pets’ proper nutrition. Too often we hear questions about specific brands of pet food wanting a yes or no answer. The same goes for treat brands and then there are table scraps. Bottom-line, daily Kcal (calorie) calculations are important before brand discussion, although a proper assessment may identify the need for … [Read more...]
3 tips to prevent clostridial diseases on dairies
Mark van der List, DVM, shares information that refreshes our understanding of clostridial diseases. These insidious bacteria are opportunistic and may lie dormant for years before showing up usually in the form of a dead animal. van der list shares three key management practices to help combat the clostridial nemeses: Vaccination Maternal antibodies for calves … [Read more...]
Are farmers teaching cows bad habits?
It could be that slug feeding methods are forcing dairy cattle to eat too much too quickly causing a negative impact on the rumen environment. Management plays a role in feed bunk behavior, as farmers don’t have to just think about what feed animals consume, but also the manner in which they eat it. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, February 25, 20212. Link. Factors to consider when … [Read more...]
Understanding insulin resistance in horses
Complimentary Sponsored Content from Kentucky Performance Products, LLC. One of the more common metabolic problems horses develop involves insulin, the hormone that enables the body to use glucose. This edition of EQUUS Extra explores how insulin resistance develops in horses, what can be done about it and how this problem increases the risk of laminitis and other … [Read more...]