U.S. consumers made 94.3 percent of the $1.170 trillion in online purchases by North American shoppers in 2023. Studying the Top 50, Digital 360 says incumbents face significant challenges from store-based retailers selling online, as well as marketplaces. Sales for the Top 50 online shopping sites grew by 10.4 percent in 2023. Source: Digital 360, October 22, 2024. … [Read more...]
Coughing dogs: the why and how to prevent it
Complimentary Sponsored Content As holiday boarding season approaches, Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM, is presenting a webinar for pet care professionals at boarding facilities, doggie day cares and groomers on how to prevent respiratory illness in dogs at their locations. She’ll also discuss what causes canine respiratory disease complex in dogs and … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – November 4, 2024
Gen Z driving pet care market, groomer shares how he gets animals to relax, records of California’s underground puppy market to be saved, stunning growth projected in grooming market, cat welcomes owner home after being alone 3 days and more . . . Source: IBPSA, November 4, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
More Gen Xers and Baby Boomers returning to school more than ever before
An increasing number of college students aren't kids anymore; they're older, writes Professor Lisa Chilcote Bacco. She shares how teaching and guiding this cohort requires a different approach that optimizes the life experiences of the older students. Bacco describes crystalized knowledge as a "superpower" that older students use in the classroom. It is a vast mental library … [Read more...]
The A to Z Startup Guide. Navigating the complexities of the animal health market.
Complimentary Commercial Content Stephens and Associates (aka S&A) invited me to review their startup guide. I found it to be a good resource for entrepreneurs and investors looking to positively impact the animal health industry. Given that many current animal health businesses struggle to plan beyond three years and the continuing perceived market demands for … [Read more...]
The value of “and what else?”
As our business environment gets more complex, it’s essential we adapt to this complexity. Questions help clarify the problem from our customer’s perspective. Source: Veterinary Advantage, December 2022. Link. Demonstrating genuine concern for our customers will provide us with more information about their situation.” INSIGHTS: Be interested and others will find you … [Read more...]
Bird flu mutating and reassorting with seasonal flu could create a pandemic-causing virus
Commentary It is NOT time to panic. Experts are studying the potential for H5N1 to mutate and reassort with seasonal influenza. They indicate humans and pigs could both serve as mixing vessels for a bird flu–seasonal flu hybrid. The article by Tanya Lewis provides a situation analysis, food for thought and reinforces the importance of: seasonal flu vaccination for … [Read more...]
Laser therapy’s many uses in small animal practice
As year-end approaches, some practices consider making capital expenditures on equipment. Lasers may be a good choice. Two recent articles, which include photos, share when, where and how to use lasers in various veterinary practice settings. Jason B. Pieper DVM, MS, DACVD, shares how CO2 lasers are used in veterinary dermatology. Michael C. Petty, DVM, asserts the benefits … [Read more...]
Insights into the reasons pet owners surrender their pets to shelters
Updates to the AAHA website make the newly published 2024 AAHA Community Care Guidelines for Small Animal Practice more accessible to veterinarians and animal health pros. A community approach can begin to improve healthcare access by mobilizing all available resources within it. Emily Singler shares efforts to quantify why pet owners surrender pets to shelters and the … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – October 31, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, October 24, 2024. Link. Most read posts from the October 24th AHD Bulletin – Study: dead animal disposal practices can put swine farms at PRRS risk. Link. Pet industry adapts to economic challenges, new trends. Link. Cattle traceability rule set to take effect November 5th. Link. Image … [Read more...]
Toys, materials for pigs offer physical enrichment
There have been promising welfare results when physical enrichment is provided for pigs. While researchers found straw to meet most of the pigs’ behavioral needs, its use in modern facilities is challenging. This article summarizes the welfare effects when using a rope, balls, burlap bags and toys compared to pigs with no enrichment. A chart shows enrichments that improved at … [Read more...]
The deep impact of protein formulation in calf starter feed (video)
Includes Commercial Content Choosing the right proteins in calf starter feed is essential for optimizing rumen fermentation and developing healthy digestive function. Until weaning, liquid milk feed provides most of the protein supply in calf weaning plans in the first half of the initial growth phase. These proteins are essentially of dairy origin. During the second half of … [Read more...]
Review: 3 keys to lameness prevention
Hoof care requires diligent efforts to avoid lameness in dairy animals. Properly maintained footbaths are critical along with regular hoof trimming and scraping multiple times per day. Jason Hartschuh shares the importance of footbath depth and solution options, including copper sulfate, formalin and zinc sulfate. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, October 28, 2024. Link. Barn … [Read more...]
Improving deer health on cervid livestock farms
The cervid livestock business is one of the fastest-growing industries in rural America, writes Brian Consiglio. He shares what University of Missouri researchers are doing to improve deer health so cervid farm managers can make better-informed decisions on antibiotic use and disease management practices. Source: Show Me Mizzou, October 30, 2024. Link. Infections, such as … [Read more...]
Pekin ducks, a turkey alternative
Rumors of turkey shortages due to flocks being euthanized because of HPAI may make the Pekin duck an option. A Pennsylvania family has developed a substantial commercial duck business featured in the article here. While the Pekin duck is a famous icon for AFLAC, it’s all-dark meat may become a favored alternate choice for the holidays. Source: American Agriculturist, … [Read more...]
Signs of back pain in horses
A horse’s back changes with age. In the article here, Barb Crabbe, DVM, teaches about a horse’s back and how to keep it healthy as he ages. She begins with an overview of back anatomy and then describes the most commonly diagnosed back problems. Back problems are difficult to diagnose in horses and challenging to treat. Source: Horse and Rider, December 4, 2023. Link. You … [Read more...]
Comparing professional and at-home laser therapy for horses
Includes Commercial Content Laser therapy is now recognized for its therapeutic benefits in veterinary medicine. Research supports its use in reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and accelerating tissue repair and healing. In this article, the authors compare professional and at-home therapy approaches. Source: Equine Wellness, October 21, 2024. Link. For most equine … [Read more...]
Organ meat in dog diets. It’s not as offal as it sounds.
There is growing interest in the health benefits of organ meats, even labeling them as superfoods for both humans and pets. Organs are frequently the first choice of wild canids that attack and kill livestock. The authors share facts about offal use in diets, including raw diets, in this article. They note liver, kidney and heart as the most common organ meats in … [Read more...]
Managing the shift as the growth of grain-free diets continues
Grain-free dog diets are a hot topic veterinary teams face routinely, shared Danielle Conway, DVM, CVA, VSMT, CCRP, during a session at the Fetch dvm360 Conference in Atlantic City. Austin Littrell summarizes her session here, including: Dietary carbohydrate requirements noting grains are carbohydrates, but not all carbohydrates are grains Gluten ≠ grains: gluten itself … [Read more...]
It may be fall, but mosquitoes are still buzzing
While fall tends to reduce mosquito populations, days above 50oF will prompt activity by those genera that hibernate. Emily Singler, VMD, says the uptick of heartworm-positive cases in unusual locations makes educating and encouraging clients about year-round heartworm prevention more important than ever. Source: AAHA NEWStat, April 9, 2024. Link. Related: 10 cases of … [Read more...]
How veterinary practices can accommodate growing payment options
Complimentary Commercial Content Businesses that cannot meet the demand for modern payment methods risk missing out on revenue by not supporting consumers' preferred payment methods. Research predicts half of cashless transactions will be made with debit and credit cards by 2028, followed by instant payments and credit transfers. Rudimentary features offered by legacy … [Read more...]
Keeping our canine companions healthy
Includes Commercial Content Dom Naish’s consumer-facing article about fall health tips for dogs includes: A check-up at the veterinary clinic Grooming, brushing and trimming of the animal’s coat, paws and nails Continuing monthly use of flea and tick preventatives Keeping dogs away from antifreeze Source: Top Dog Tips, November 278, 2023. … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – October 28, 2024
Recognizing K9 Resorts, dog walker dies in UK from mauling by pack of dogs she was walking, leaders determine culture, FDA advises caution on Darwin’s Pet Food, state of pet food, treats in 2024 and more . . . Source: IBPSA, October 25, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
AAHA’s Teams@Work Photo Contest
AAHA Trends readers submitted photos of their teams and team members at work. For those servicing these practices, take a look to see if any of your customers are pictured. For practices, if your staff or clinic was chosen, consider sharing the photo on social media and local media. Include a link to the contest results article. Congratulations to the winners and the … [Read more...]
Bringing value
It doesn’t matter if it is a distributor rep talking to a practice decision-maker or the vet tech talking to a customer; the question is the same – Are you bringing value? Source: Veterinary Advantage, May 2023. Link. Ask yourself, “How do I differentiate ourselves and our practice from every other practice?” INSIGHTS: “Be curious, not judgmental.” - Ted Lasso … [Read more...]
Debunking 3 top misconceptions about HR
Cheryl Swirnow addresses persistent misconceptions and clarifies HR’s critical role in modern organizations in this article. Asserting HR plays an increasingly strategic role in shaping company culture, driving DEI initiatives and managing flexible work policies, she focuses on these three myths: Myth 1: HR is all about micromanagement Myth 2: HR is responsible for … [Read more...]
Infection control, prevention and biosecurity. Is your plan current?
AAHA’s Infection Control, Prevention, and Biosecurity Guidelines have been available since 2018. Having an ICPB plan is critical to ensure the safety of pets, pet owners and clinic staff. A lot has happened in the six years since the guidelines were published, making updating any current plans important. Emily Singler, VMD, reviews the steps to create an effective ICPB and its … [Read more...]
FDA: Aspirin use in dairy cattle and other food animals is now prohibited
Citing HPAI infections in dairies, drug residue risks and concerns about protocol drift, the FDA has reversed its stance on using aspirin, which was never approved for use in cattle. Protocol drift is a real thing . . . there are approved drugs with labeled indications, those should be our first line of treatment.” - Alison Vander Plaats, DVM Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, October … [Read more...]
Building a profitable relationship with veterinarians (podcast)
Includes Commercial Content Randall Spare, DVM, shares his experiences with herd health consultations, problem-solving with producers and how understanding genomics can increase the value of replacement heifers. Source: Angus at Work, August 28, 2024. Link. [26:52] The opportunities today when we genomically measure heifers and we know exactly what’s underneath that hide … [Read more...]
Setting up the newborn calf to respond to spring vaccinations
Producers often “set it and forget it” when turning out cows for the fall and winter. Research has shown that calves born to cows with a body condition score of 5 or 6 have more immunoglobulin G in their blood serum after consuming colostrum than calves from cows with a 4 or lower score, writes Karla H. Wilke. She focuses on the importance of keeping cows healthy and in good … [Read more...]