Multifactor bovine respiratory disease remains a major expense to producers who commonly treat the late stage pulmonary disease with antibiotics. ICASA, along with matching funds from other organizations, has funded a $2,446,948 research grant to Brad J. White, DVM, MS, who is building a multi-disciplinary team to research how the secondary diseases form in cattle infected with … [Read more...]
One in 30 U.S. dogs test positive for Lyme
Valley Vet Supply’s Aimee Elyse Robinson reminds dog owners of the risks of Lyme disease, especially those that live and play in less manicured outdoor environments. The places dogs love to explore are the most likely environs for them to encounter ticks. These include farms, acreages and large urban green spaces. Consider this article for social media or newsletters, … [Read more...]
Preconditioning: Worth the input or not?
Cindy Mansfield’s surprising article title made me read her review of the value cattle producers receive when committing the time, effort and expense to pre-condition their cattle. She reviews the economics, importance of vaccination, timelines and benefits to a producer’s reputation as advantages from preconditioning. Source: Progressive Cattle, July 4, 2024. Link. Also … [Read more...]
Panel of DVMs discusses the greatest swine disease challenge in 2024
Outlining surprises and challenges facing pork producers and their veterinarians, Jennifer Shike shares responses from practicing swine veterinarians. PRRS remains the greatest challenge and it underscores the importance of biosecurity and prevention strategies. No biosecurity measure is too small to implement . . . but they take repetitive discipline and everyday management … [Read more...]
Poultry basics and diets for veterinary teams
The increased number of suburban and metro backyard flocks present challenges for companion animal practices. Keeping chickens, ducks and geese healthy goes beyond production animal paradigms as the birds are often considered pets. Veterinary teams will benefit from the upcoming VetFolio basics webinar and the article on poultry diets linked here. Sources: The science … [Read more...]
Preventing pink eye with autogenous vaccines
Includes Sponsored Content Before commercial pinkeye vaccines were approved, autogenous vaccines offered veterinarians and producers a way to protect against herd-specific strains of bacteria that cause pinkeye in cattle. In the article linked here, Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM, PhD, reintroduces the value of autogenous vaccines, the challenges with cross-protection and how pinkeye … [Read more...]
Jade Keller shares the importance of veterinary care
Experienced performance horse trainer, Jade Keller, shares why regular veterinary care is instrumental in achieving success in the competitive world of equine sports. His assertions are just as important for the hobby or backyard horse owner. Regular veterinary care provides a safety net that allows us to address issues before they become major obstacles.” Source: Horse and … [Read more...]
The cost of not vaccinating
Complimentary Commercial Content June brings opportunities for horse people and groups to ride trails and participate in contests and rodeos. Plus, there are always preparations for the upcoming fair season. Owning a horse can be expensive, from equipment and feed to veterinary costs and farrier visits. But when looking to save money, horse owners must avoid cutting corners … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – June 3, 2024
CPR-AED Awareness Week and training, nanoparticle vaccine possibilities, creating stronger customer connections, Bark Air lifts off with dogs-first approach to flight and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, June 3, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
CDC finalizes dog import rule to prevent rabies
All dogs coming into the U.S. from other countries must be at least six months old and microchipped to help prevent the spread of rabies, according to new government rules. The updated rules apply to dogs brought in by breeders or rescue groups, as well as pets traveling with their U.S. owners. All dogs coming into the U.S. from other countries must be at least six months … [Read more...]
Farm dogs play many roles
The celebration of farm dogs in recent years <Link> has brought more focus to the health of pets on acreages and farms. Whether working dogs or companions, these animals encounter environmental risks from domestic and wild animals, some of which are One Health concerns. This recording and article feature farm dogs and the importance of getting regular veterinary care for … [Read more...]
Advances in equine disease detection
Commentary Horse enthusiasts and owners will value Chelsie J. Huseman’s, MS, PhD, article on equine diagnostics. Embedded links for each disease make this a layperson’s guide to equine diseases and testing. If you work with horse owners, the article will likely influence discussions or come up in conversation about a problem horse. We recommend veterinary teams review it … [Read more...]
We can’t ignore the real costs of PRRS any longer
The U.S. <still> has a lot of work to do concerning PRRS. “PRRS is not new, and it is not going to go away on its own,” according to Cara Haden, DVM. And the U.S. is not making progress at the rate of other countries. Jennifer Shike shares key takeaways Haden offered during the Ohio Pork Congress. There is a very real cost of PRRS when it comes to pigs, people and public … [Read more...]
New program to open access to veterinary care to underserved animals nationwide
The Veterinary Innovation Council has announced the launch of new resources to address the nationwide problem of access to veterinary care and new comprehensive services to help veterinarians reach underserved patients. Through its Access to Care Resource Hub, veterinary professionals will find the tools, knowledge and resources they need to offer greater access to veterinary … [Read more...]
Addressing vaccine hesitancy with animal owners
Providing a commentary on vaccine hesitancy, Lori Kogan, PhD, shares research-backed cognitive biases that can affect pet owners’ vaccine decisions. Beyond the analytics, she reminds animal health pros vaccine-reluctant pet owners are not stupid; they simply make poor choices based on their fears and biases. She recommends veterinary teams learn to adapt their vaccine messages … [Read more...]
Navigating the new pet care landscape
Asserting that the modern pet owner demands a more engaged, transparent and responsive veterinary experience, Aaron Massecar MA, PhD, and Kelly O’Brien share perspectives about practicing veterinary medicine in this digital and advancing technology age. They cite a study indicating online searches can strengthen the veterinary-client relationship and share the importance of a … [Read more...]
MSD Animal Health commits to rabies elimination, donates vaccine to Mission Rabies
MSD Animal Health, a division of Merck & Co., Inc., announced a continued commitment to rabies elimination through a donation of NOBIVAC® rabies vaccines. The donations to the Mission Rabies program will continue over the next five years and support the full annual rabies vaccine requirements of this non-profit organization. Source: MSD Animal Health, March 18, 2024. … [Read more...]
A bad sample is worse than no sample
Sponsored Content According to Ohio State’s William (Bill) P. Weiss, PhD, “A bad sample is worse than no sample.” He was speaking about accuracy when analyzing feed, but he could have been referencing the collection of samples to be sent to diagnostic laboratories to identify pinkeye strains from cattle showing signs of it. Addison Laboratory’s Karlin Yaeger and I spoke … [Read more...]
Lyme vaccine. What dog owners may be reading.
As a veterinarian and dog owner, writes Jennifer Bailey, DVM, “I feel strongly that the canine Lyme vaccine is safe and effective enough for dogs who live in areas that are endemic for Lyme disease.” Sharing considerable history, the lack of full support by veterinarians, and the potential for side effects, she emphasizes vaccination based on lifestyle, geographic location and … [Read more...]
Springtime checklist for horse owners, veterinarians
Spring sets the tone for the rest of the year, writes Lucile Vigouroux. She says the key to transition from winter to spring is to have a plan in place to tackle a horse’s various seasonal needs, including vaccinating and deworming, as well as rebuilding the horse athlete’s fitness after a winter hiatus. Beyond the comprehensive checklist note the take-home message for … [Read more...]
Annual leptospirosis vaccination NOW recommended by ACVIM
Leptospirosis sp. is a zoonotic risk in humans and other mammals. Leptospirosis is most frequently recognized in cattle, swine, dogs, horses and wildlife. Cats are also being considered as more investigation takes place. Modern canine vaccines offer four serovars of lepto to help protect dogs and the infection risks are not restricted to large-breed dogs, male dogs, or dogs … [Read more...]
Pros and cons of vaccinating a horse against EHV-1
The debate continues about the validity of equine herpes virus vaccines despite consensus that vaccination is an important tool for reducing EHV-1 spread and the severity of clinical signs. Dr. Klaus Osterrieder shares the history, challenges and concerns about EHV-1. Source: The Horse, January 18, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Osterrieder urges researchers to continue working … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – March 11, 2024
Pet business is resetting post Covid, Petco Love promoting vaccination during National Pet Vaccination Month, Global Pet Expo, guide to safe online transactions and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, March 11, 2024. Link. Record number of speaker applications for IBPSA FLOW Business Conference planned for September 24, 2024 - September 26, 2024 in Tucson, Arizona … [Read more...]
Driving the narrative in swine production
A considerable number of swine operations remain with fewer than 1,000 pigs, according to the NAHMS Swine 2021 Part III: Reference of Management Practices on Small-Enterprise Swine Operations in the United States <Link>. While the contributions of the largest operations far exceed the small operators, there are reasons to focus on these operators for biosecurity, herd … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 29, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 22, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the February 22nd AHD Bulletin – And, “What else?” Link. 8 restaurant etiquette tips, explained. Link. Skipping the dog walk IS a big deal. Link. ============================================ A major solar storm could be devastating to our … [Read more...]
The latest from GARC
The work continues to eliminate human deaths from dog rabies by 2030. Learn about GARC's surveillance tools, advocacy and the latest free, downloadable resources on GARC's website. Source: Rabid Bytes, GARC, February 2024. Link. GARC's mission is to prevent human deaths from dog-mediated rabies and relieve the burden of rabies in other animal populations, especially dogs. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 8, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, February 1, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the February 1st AHD Bulletin – A plan is not a strategy. Link. Studies: Early social housing helps dairy calves thrive. Link. Using standing equine CT in veterinary diagnostics. Link. Do it NOW! Link. ============================================ … [Read more...]
Comprehensive overview of Lyme disease in horses (audio recording)
The clinical signs of Lyme disease in horses are controversial. Toby Pinn-Woodcock, DVM, DACVIM, provides a comprehensive overview of the disease, including clinical signs, testing recommendations, treatments and vaccination protocols. Source: EquiManagement, Disease DuJour, January 29, 2024. Link. (26:35) Borrelia burgdorferi in horses should always be a diagnosis of … [Read more...]
Proper vaccination at the right time increases calf welfare and value
Administering appropriate respiratory vaccines before sale and commingling is crucial for providing immunity during the stocker and feedlot stages of the beef supply chain. Summarizing research on beef calf preconditioning programs, Paul Vining says proper vaccination against BRD-related pathogens during calfhood establishes robust immunity. This enhances calf welfare and … [Read more...]
Weather, horses, equine risk and disease
Weather, weather patterns and weather events all can contribute to potential disease in horses, writes SallyAnne L. DeNotta, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVIM. Consider this article for social media or newsletters as content to promote vaccination, disaster planning and other preventatives. Source: The Horse, January 2, 2024. Link. Related: 14 ways to get ready for winter, EQUUS, … [Read more...]