Food bowls are a consideration when addressing cat acne <Link>, so we’re sharing an article that explores the most recommended type of bowls for individual cats. Whiskers are one of the considerations when choosing a bowl. Source: Cat Food Advisor, May 15, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Consider this article for kitten kits, social media posts or newsletters. … [Read more...]
Addressing common nutrition misperceptions
Discussing pet diets is fraught with challenges created by common myths, misconceptions and marketing jargon. These include an excessive focus on the concept of natural ingredients, the effects of processing on pet food and the assumption that cost directly represents quality. Ultimately, the cornerstones of feeding pets are safety and nutritional balance, and these concepts … [Read more...]
Updated fluid therapy guidelines from AAHA
The new 2024 AAHA Fluid Therapy Guidelines for Dogs and Cats, provides a detailed refresher on the basic principles of fluid therapy while also guiding veterinary professionals through common fluid therapy scenarios and empowers an animal-specific, individualized approach. . . . if a practice doesn’t approach fluids as a drug prescription that necessitates accurate … [Read more...]
Pet-safe, DIY and dangerous baits for rats, mice
Beth Turner, DVM, shares comprehensive information about controlling rodents, the risks and different types of bait and control methods. Her article is a good resource to share with pet owners who may be experiencing rodent issues. Source: Preventive Vet, July 5, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
How hot is too hot?
This picture of a sidewalk sign is important. Although we posted about temperature risks on May 24th <Link>, the sign is a good reminder as were the number of dogs being walked in 90o F temps last week. Summertime warnings need to be repeated over and over.” Also see: Search results for: dog heat stroke, AHD archives. Link. … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – July 8, 2024
Mars courting next-gen high-spending pet owners, future of flying with pets, email marketing myths, shifts in big life priorities, views of website written content averages 5.59 seconds, and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, July 8, 2024. Link. . . . websites are not just selling products or services . . . they’re guiding users on a journey, and every step along the way … [Read more...]
Meeting customer expectations starts with employees
Customers want to deal with businesses that are consistent, reliable, accessible, helpful and prompt. Their expectations have never been higher and people want to work for companies that provide a great employee experience. Source: Forbes, November 7, 2023. Link. There is real benefit to companies that recognize the vital link between employee experience and customer … [Read more...]
Addressing 7 common complaints practices face
Dissent and dissatisfaction are often masked by the historical statement, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Unfortunately, such experiences lead to customer loss. Marc Rosenberg, VMD, shares how routine preemptive troubleshooting with clinic staff members help to correct complaints heard before they rise to become points of contention. He shares … [Read more...]
Avian flu updates
Staying abreast of the latest on high-path avian flu is time-consuming and often confusing. Multiple media sources share information along a rapidly progressing timeline of discovery, opinions and responses. We aggregated some of the more recent updates at these links. Sources: Detections of HPAI in livestock, USDA, July 9, 2024. Link. The most current information and … [Read more...]
Animal health pros really DO matter
Getting caught up in the minutia of our daily animal health activities and checklists is easy. Swine flu, foot-and-mouth, CWD, HPAI, leptospirosis, tickborne diseases and more can create havoc for animals, the food supply and potentially our lives. As we return to our efforts from the Independence Day holiday and dive into 3-Q-2024, this graphic is a stark reminder of the core … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 27, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 20, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the June 20th AHD Bulletin – Cat acne: causes, signs, treatment. Link. 6 myths about cooling horses in hot weather. Link. Cheese now drives dairy growth. Link. ===================================== Sitting is the new smoking. Get off your … [Read more...]
Shelter dogs do better with a well-matched roommate
Newly published research from Virginia Tech showed companiable dogs housed together showed fewer signs of stress and were adopted more quickly than dogs housed by themselves. . . . social isolation can work against dogs’ behavioral health and adoptability.” - Erica Feuerbacher, PhD Source: Virginia Tech News, June 12, 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Pairing dogs that can get along … [Read more...]
Global Alliance for Rabies Control launches Dog Welfare Certificate course
GARC’s new Dog Welfare Certificate course is designed to provide essential knowledge for anyone involved or interested in canine care. Free and self-paced, the course offers foundational knowledge crucial for anyone looking to care for a dog whether it is their own, or a dog in the community. Source: Global Alliance for Rabies Control, June 23,2024. Link. The course is … [Read more...]
Pig Paradigm searching for alternatives to antimicrobials
Sharing advancements in the from exploring the interaction of the host, diet and gut microbiota to prevent infection in the gut of developing piglets is an objective of the Pig Paradigm. At their annual meeting And Liu, PhD, shared study results showing by adding the probiotic Bacillus subtilis, severe cases of post-weaning diarrhea were reduced by as much as five percent and … [Read more...]
What can we expect from Elanco’s new Bovaer®?
Bovaer is a powdered feed supplement that blocks an enzyme involved in methane formation, reducing the amount of methane emitted by each animal. Elanco Animal Health, Inc., is licensing Bovaer for marketing in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Feeding Bovaer to 1 million cows would reduce methane emissions equivalent to removing more than 285,000 cars from the road for a … [Read more...]
Tom Vilsack: Good biosecurity critical to mitigating the spread of H5N1
Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack’s opinion piece calls on producers to use USDA’s resources to enhance their biosecurity measures and for states and producers to opt into our support and herd monitoring programs designed to limit the spread of this H5N1 in dairy cattle. The most important step we can take today to contain HPAI is biosecurity.” Source: Agri-Pulse, June 21, 2024. … [Read more...]
Blackshirt Feeders: Closing the beef-on-dairy loop with data and technology
With contracts that stipulate every calf is tracked from birth with sire, health and performance data, Lee Leachman calls the closed-loop production model for beef on dairy a game changer. Greg Henderson explains how Blackshirt Feeders’ closed-loop system links the semen provider to the dairy to the feedyard and from where value will be derived. Source: Drovers, June 25, … [Read more...]
How the U.S. cowherd is distributed
70 percent of the U.S. cowherds use grass and maintain healthy grasslands, while the other 30 percent are finishing in an efficient feeding system or are maintaining a high-energy diet through a dairy production cycle. Source: Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Facebook, June 13, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]
Keeping the bees buzzing (video)
There are so many things that can kill honey bees, says Kaitlyn Krebs, DVM, MBA, DABVP. She lectured about common diseases that affect honey bees and their hives at the 2024 AVMA convention. Krebs speaks about viral diseases that veterinarians should be aware of in caring for honey bees and tips when answering questions from beekeepers in their communities in the video … [Read more...]
Sport horse DVM answers 6 questions about osteoarthritis
Steve Allday, DVM, has been the lameness specialist for many equine legends. He shares his perspectives on osteoarthritis with a focus on prevention. Content like this can help veterinary teams educate their clients about what it takes to keep a horse sound. Social media posts or newsletters offer practices ways to proactively communicate best health practices to horse … [Read more...]
Safeguarding the equine industry: The importance of biosecurity practices
A recent study sheds valuable light on the current understanding and practices of horse owners across the country. In addition to the critical role veterinarians play in providing horse owners with medical information and guidance on biosecurity practices, the study revealed how horse owners prefer education and several key biosecurity techniques that horse owners can … [Read more...]
BARK hopes for industry-wide adoption of its Dog Toy Safety Standards (video)
There are more than 40 safety standards for various children’s products in the U.S. alone, yet there are zero safety standards for dog products. Bark’s safety lab has been testing since 2022 and developing standards to ensure toys are safe as demonstrated in the video. The company plans to publicly share its safety protocols, encouraging industry-wide adoption to ensure the … [Read more...]
14 cat overpopulation statistics
As Adopt A Cat Month comes to a close Matt Jackson shares updated statistics about the massive feline overpopulation problem. In addition to approximately 75 million pet cats, there are an estimated 30 to 40 million stray and unhomed cats in the U.S. Most of these are not neutered and will never enter a shelter. Source: Catster, June 24, 2024. Link. The population of cats is … [Read more...]
Preventing pink eye with autogenous vaccines
Includes Sponsored Content Before commercial pinkeye vaccines were approved, autogenous vaccines offered veterinarians and producers a way to protect against herd-specific strains of bacteria that cause pinkeye in cattle. In the article linked here, Gregg Hanzlicek, DVM, PhD, reintroduces the value of autogenous vaccines, the challenges with cross-protection and how pinkeye … [Read more...]
7 ways to set an effective puppy schedule
Sharing advice for new puppy owners, the author urges them to set a schedule for their puppies and be patient and consistent about following it. This is good to share via social media, newsletters and in new puppy kits. Source: Happy Puppy Tips. Link. INSIGHTS: For puppies that attend daycare, pet owners should mirror the daycare schedule at home as much as possible. … [Read more...]
The ROI of pet insurance according to HR professionals
Commentary, Commercial Content Petpartners shares case study results from a 2024 survey of human resources professionals. The study explored how pet-friendly benefits boost employee well-being, reduce stress and cultivate a more supportive work environment. The findings emphasize the importance of pet-friendly benefits and pet policies in today’s multi-generational … [Read more...]
Dr. Jen the Vet to implement Healthy Pet-keeping Seal program at Best Friends Fur Ever
Complimentary Commercial Content Elevating the standards of pet care facilities and bridging the gap between pet care and veterinary care is core objective of the Healthy Pet-keeping Seal program, shared Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM, last October <Link>. Best Friends Fur Ever recognizes the opportunities of implementing an industry-leading initiative … [Read more...]
Reminder: Salmonella outbreaks associated with pig ear dog chews
Tim Wall shares the outcomes of research on Salmonella cases related to pig ear dog chews from 2015 to 2019. While retrospective, the article and results serve as a reminder to animal health pros and pet owners who choose pig ears as treats. Source: PETFOOD Industry, June 21, 2024. Link. Also see: Are pig ears safe? Canine Journal, November 2, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
RSPCA urges animal lovers to reject the rising trend of puppy yoga
Puppy yoga involves litters of puppies being brought into human yoga classes. Esme Wheeler, RSPCA dog welfare expert, asserts that puppy yoga may be cute, but especially young puppies can be overwhelmed and frightened causing a detrimental effect on their welfare. Source: Pets Mag, June 20, 2024. Link. Puppy yoga was recently banned in Italy and it will soon be outlawed in … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – June 24, 2024
CDC to implement new rules for any dogs entering U.S., leveraging pet trends, RedRover enables pets in homeless shelters, keeping local listings current, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to hold buy now - pay later programs to the same consumer protection standards as credit card companies and more . . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, June 24, 2024. Link. … [Read more...]