Demand for miniature cattle is strong. They are the result of generations of selective breeding and choosing selected genetics to reduce size, while promoting the best breed qualities, conformation and temperament. They are 1⁄2 to 1⁄3 the size of full-size cattle and require less space than regular-size cattle. Two or three miniatures can be kept in an area normally required … [Read more...]
Be on the lookout for grass tetany
In cattle country, the lush green grasses emerging are generally known to be low in magnesium. Producers need to be reminded to watch for symptoms of grass tetany as forage grasses flourish. Symptoms of grass tetany often include going off feed, nervousness, muscle spasms, convulsions, irritability, and aggressiveness. Severe cases may result in a comatose state or … [Read more...]
Spring is gas colic season
Lush green grass is showing up in pastures across the country. Cattle, goats, sheep and horses seek out the juiciest clumps of grass which are high in sugar. For horses, that can cause colic as excessive fermentation occurs in the gut creating a buildup of gas which doesn’t always find a way out of the horse. The result? Gas colic. Consider sharing this article with horse … [Read more...]
Do opossum feces guarantee EPM transmission?
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitiscan can spread to horses who eat hay, feed or drink water that is contaminated with opossum feces. EPM is a rare disease. Studies suggest that about one third of opossums are infected in Missouri compared to one tenth of opossums infected in Michigan. Not every horse that eats contaminated feed develops EPM and not every opossum is infected … [Read more...]
Animal slaughter is not the same as suffering
Maddy Butcher, author of “Beasts of Being: Partnerships Unburdened” and director of The Best Horse Practice Summit, wrote an opinion column that equine enthusiasts will appreciate. She also shares the realities of owning all kinds of animals. She wishes people with strong feelings about horse slaughter understood farm animals’ lives better, from birth to death. With no horse … [Read more...]
Vector-borne disease screening critical to pet health
To help veterinarians stay ahead of the curve and provide the best care to their patients, this article explores why comprehensive screening is critical to pet health. It includes key insights into a lesser-known tick-borne disease that has become more frequently detected than Lyme. “Anaplasma is becoming the most common vector-borne infection they’re seeing dogs are exposed … [Read more...]
Suicide attempt survivor writes “How Not to Kill Yourself”
Clancy Martin tried dying by suicide more than a dozen times. Using what he learned from those attempts, the philosophy professor with the University of Missouri-Kansas City wrote a new book, How Not to Kill Yourself, A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind. It can be helpful for anyone, but given the high rate of suicide in the veterinary profession, the book can be a lifesaver for … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 13, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, April 6th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from March 30th AHD Bulletin – Hauser: Reverse the downward trend of pets missing vet care. Link. JVECC makes a case for quality improvement in vet med. Link. Finding the optimal pattern of a customer journey. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences … [Read more...]
Pig monitoring is feasible
Commentary Looking like production manufacturing from the Science Channel’s How it’s Made, swine production is rapidly moving forward with technology. Radio frequency, wireless sensors, remote monitoring, individual pig behavior data and more are advancing efficiencies exponentially. One can’t help thinking about how far swine production has come in the last century and what … [Read more...]
Uterine prolapses, a review
No prolapse is exactly like the next one and there’s likely not a worse thing that can happen to a cow. Most prolapses occur following birth and within 24 hours. Rhonda Brooks shares feedback from veterinarians about handling uterine prolapses, clients and being prepared when arriving at the farm. When I was in practice, we actually had a chart taped to the wall by every … [Read more...]
Why white-tailed deer don’t get Lyme disease
White-tailed deer are important to the survival of deer ticks but they are not involved with transmitting the Lyme bacteria. The serum component of white-tailed deer blood kills Lyme bacteria. Whatever it is in the deer that’s killing the germ is part of the innate immune system, a part that precedes antibodies, shares Stephen Rich, MS, PhD. Although deer, such as white-tailed … [Read more...]
Prioritize canine influenza vaccines based on animals at risk during shortages
Scott Weese, DVM, shares ways to determine which dogs need the canine influenza vaccines most since our industry continues to see shortages in flu vaccine supplies. Dogs considered to have increased risk of severe disease include seniors, pregnant, immune compromised, brachycephalic and those with significant cardiac or respiratory disease. Canine influenza is one potential … [Read more...]
Dogs, lawn care and cancer
The pesticides and herbicides that make mass food production and smooth grass easier may negatively impact the ecosystem, but also the health of our pets. Lauren Trepanier, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP, shares findings from three ongoing studies that compare chemical exposures in dogs with and without cancer. Source: The Humane Society of the United States, March 31, 2023. … [Read more...]
You don’t have to be the boss to be a leader
Matt Mayberry shares three actions that hone leadership skills to help become a highly respected and influential team member: Devote time to daily growth Discover and embrace your personal strengths Improve your ability to connect with people Source: Harvard Business Review, February 13, 2023. Link. Introverts, ambiverts, extroverts . . . anyone can learn how to … [Read more...]
Documentary highlights life and work of Temple Grandin
A documentary film about the world-renowned Dr. Temple Grandin recently completed shooting. The film, Open Door, features interviews with Grandin, her colleagues, industry professionals and those she has influenced throughout her career as a champion of human treatment of livestock, autism rights and inclusive neurodiversity. The production team includes eight current Colorado … [Read more...]
Is climate change accelerating the risk of disease spreading from animals to humans? (video)
Scientists researching the aftermath of California wildfires say they are finding evidence that climate change is accelerating the risk of disease spreading from animals to humans. Historical evidence linking the climate to zoonotic disease is growing . . .” Miles O’Brien Source: PBS, March 1, 2023. Link. (7:37) INSIGHTS: Forward-thinking scientists are working to advance … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 6, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 30, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from March 30th AHD Bulletin – Pet-owning households on decline while spending remains strong. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. Veterinarian helper wins digital ag hackathon Source: Cornell Chronicle, March … [Read more...]
LSU develops patent-pending wild pig bait
Commentary Feral hog control is an issue for ALL animal health pros. Wild pigs reproduce rapidly and cause damage to farms and suburban properties from the southern U.S. and into Canada <Link>. They also pose a growing threat to the environment, people and other animals. If an animal disease like African swine fever or hoof-and-mouth gets into these animals, it will be … [Read more...]
7 tips for more effective vaccination programs in calves
Rhonda Brooks shares seven tips from bovine veterinarians that can help plan an effective vaccination program in calves. She reminds us that there is no effective one-size-fits-all strategy. Consider this article for communications with cow-calf, dairy or beef operators. It sets core considerations for what a vaccination program can and can’t deliver. Source: Dairy Herd … [Read more...]
Happy cow markings worth a smile
Bellbrook Holsteins in Ripplebrook, Australia, welcomed a new calf to the herd on March 10. The calf was born with a unique pattern. His spots resemble that of a smiley face. They named it Happy. 😊 Source: RFD-TV, March 23, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Stimulating more milk fat production
Increasing milkfat and protein components of milk can raise the value of milk for producers. Milkfat comes from two sources. Preformed fat comes from fat present in the diet or body reserves. Other fat results from synthesis in the udder, and this is called de novo or “new” fat. Mike Hutjens, PhD, shared ways feeding and management can affect de novo fatty acid synthesis in … [Read more...]
Getting familiar with hemorrhagic bowel syndrome
Hemorrhagic bowel syndrome, also known as sudden death disease, is an emerging, highly fatal intestinal disease of adult cows. The cow's immune system plays a role in whether a cow becomes an HBS cow. Cases are most common following stressful periods in a cow’s lactation cycle such as calving and early lactation, when cows are subject to several different stressors.” – Scott … [Read more...]
Essential safety rules to follow when around horses
Jack Benton shared the cowboy after OSHA inspection image in 2016 <Link>. While absurd, it makes a point. Injuries to riders and handlers often increase as the excitement to return to riding increases during spring. It is important to reinforce safety guidelines considering many horses were handled infrequently during the winter months. Jennifer Forsbery Meyers’ basic … [Read more...]
Photographer captures elk antler growth
In the category of something you don’t see every day, photographer, Craig Miller captured the growth an elk bull’s antlers from buds to maturity in 2021. It is a unique pictoral accompanied by an explanation of what is occurring. Source: Craig Miller, Facebook, March 22, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Those dirty flies . . .
Warmer spring weather is also the start of fly season and no matter where you live, flies can be a problem. Our AHD archives offer many resources on fly control. Getting started now, can help keep fly populations from growing out of control. Source: Search results for fly control, AHD Archives. Link. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 30, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 23, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from March 2nd AHD Bulletin – 5 steps for using care to unlock employee happiness and health. Link. Key trends driving veterinary care’s future. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Gene-edited pigs another tool in PRRS fight
Minnesota-based Acceligen announced in late February that the company is using protein modifications developed by Kansas State University to breed pigs that are naturally resistant to PRRS. This advancement is another tool in producers’ toolbox. One cannot disregard the tools of tight biosecurity, filtration and more in the fight against PRRS and other viral infections that can … [Read more...]
BQA. Walking the walk
Beef Quality Assurance was developed in the 1980s and has been funded by the Beef Checkoff since the 1990s. The educational program is free and easy to access. It provides training on animal handling, proper vaccinations, handling medications. Options for online and in-person training are available. Source: Hereford World, March 2023, page 40. Link. … [Read more...]
Data supports Grandad’s spring storm assertions on calving
The generational guidance from cow-calf producers has always been, “spring storms will make the cows calve.” Now a study of data from 2005 to 2009 in fall and spring calving cows indicates old cattle raisers were correct. Departing storm fronts are often followed by a trend toward more tranquil weather and increasing barometric pressure during the early spring, which may … [Read more...]
A stress-filled tale of farm store chicks
Commentary The historical phenomenon of Easter chick supply is a testament to the survival qualities of poultry. The first 24 to 48 hours of a chick’s life when headed to a retail store are stress-filled. Ana Hotling shares some details worth considering as you counsel clients with Easter “babies.” Newborn hatchery chicks go through a veritable gauntlet in the first few … [Read more...]