Ticks can’t jump. But using the forces of static electricity, sometimes, the arachnids can soar through the air, a new study says. The scientists found the ticks could launch through the air when exposed to both positive and negative charges, suggesting that these natural forces overwhelm whichever charge the tick has on its own body.” Source: National Geographic, July 11, … [Read more...]
UPS is preparing contingencies ahead of looming strike. ARE YOU?
Commentary The impending UPS strike is a signal for veterinary hospitals to plan ahead. While we can hope the strike ends without delivery disruptions, adjusting inventory levels sooner rather than later is a solid strategy ahead of the August 1st strike date. For “A” and “B” products critical to day-to-day functions, moving reorder points to create a 30-day to 45-day … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 13, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, July 6th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from July 6th AHD Bulletin – Check your assumptions at the door to avoid medical gaslighting. Link. The hard truth. Link. Bear cam livestream returns for salmon run. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Three reasons farmers give antibiotics to livestock and poultry
With fair season underway, some livestock people face scrutiny from the general public while showing their animals. Phibro’s Leah Dorman, DVM, shares why animals are given antibiotics in food production. Consider sharing her article with FFA and 4-H members who can use her article to support their production practices and the importance of responsible use. Source: Explore … [Read more...]
100 years and a whole lot of Hereford bulls
Hereford World’s Herd Bull and Reference Edition celebrates 100 years of tracking and cataloging the best of the bald-faced Hereford breed. . . . a lot has changed in the last 100 years, but the Hereford breed remains strong and of interest to cattlemen worldwide. . . “ Source: Hereford World, July 2023. Link. NOTE: Photos courtesy of Hereford World. Description of bulls … [Read more...]
The back story on dumped tanker loads of milk
Too much milk? Yes. Labor shortages? Absolutely! Corey Geiger shares why so much milk has been dumped and a historical perspective on June Dairy Month, the spring flush and how spot loads of milk have traditionally gone to cheese makers. Source: Hoard’s Dairyman, July 10, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Seaboard Farms joins the world’s mega swine producers
Merriam, Kansas-based Seaboard Farms’ 365,000 sows make it the fourth largest swine company in the U.S. and one of the world’s mega swine producers, according to Jim Long, president and CEO, Genesus Inc. Long’s company compiles an annual list of the world’s producers with more than 100,000 sows. Source: Genesus, Link. View the mega producer listing here. … [Read more...]
Blister beetles in hay are a danger for livestock, horses
Got grasshoppers? Then it is likely blister beetles may be present as grasshopper eggs are a main food source for them <Link>. With drought causing more hay to be transported about the country, it is important for livestock producers and horse owners to monitor the hay and their animals for signs of blister beetles. Elizabeth Cronin shares some ways to reduce the threat … [Read more...]
Dairy goats or meat goats? Which is right for you?
Second-year 4-H’er Brooke Nafziger shares a simple goat personality test to help people decide which type of goat they prefer. She shares her experiences and what she has learned from raising dairy and meat goats. There are different goats for different folks. So be sure it’s the kind of goat that’s right for you!” Source: Backyard Goats, July 13, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
More on blue-green algae
The term blue-green algae is a misnomer, as this organism is, in fact, a single-celled organism called cyanobacteria. Here are some key takeaways from an article by Angie Krause, DVM, CVA, CCRT: Cyanobacteria can have almost any color although many bodies of water affected by this toxic organism have a pea-green color. The toxic strains of blue-green algae contain … [Read more...]
IBPSA Fast Bites – July 10, 2023
AI in the pet industry, contributions of pet nutrition to economy, Brooke Shields enters pet CBD PR world, emerging plant toxins, marketing ideas from WhiskerCloud, avoiding overcommunicating as a leader and more. . . Source: IBPSA Fast Bites, July 10, 2023. Link. Also see: Telling the U.S. pet food market’s growth story, PETFOOD Industry, July 7, 2023. Link. The U.S. pet … [Read more...]
States outlaw noncompete agreements
Some states are banning noncompete agreements which leaves employers to grapple with a patchwork of state-level requirements, as well as pending federal rule changes. Leah Shepherd shares what companies need to do now and considerations for the future to protect trade secrets. Source: SHRM, July 10, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
You’re capable of courage
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to act despite it. Source: Giant Leap Consulting, June 14, 2023. Link. It is precisely those times when your knees are shaking, when your voice is unsteady, and when your stomach is teeming with rioting butterflies that you are being courageous . . . provided, of course, that you are moving through your … [Read more...]
Updates from the KC Animal Health Corridor
Learn what’s coming to the KC Animal Health Corridor. Source: The KCAHC Connector, June 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Want to learn more about the KC Corridor and ThinkKC? <Link> … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 6, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 29th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 29nd AHD Bulletin – Study: PRP gel accelerates skin wound healing in horses. Link. How to charge for technician appointments. Link. Skipping rocks and back to basics. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Bear cam livestream returns for salmon run
Need a few minutes break? Watch bears catch salmon in Alaska. The famous bear cam livestream at Alaska’s Katmai National Park is back for its 12th year running, documenting the park’s brown bears as they find the best salmon fishing spots in Brooks Falls. Watch the YouTube livestream at the link below and spot the bears jumping, diving and even belly-flopping to catch their … [Read more...]
Establish a sales trigger for cattle during drought
It’s not unusual for producers, their vets and bankers to collaborate on business efforts. This is a good article for those discussions. Recent rains in the Midwest gave only temporary drought relief. There’s a point where you can’t grow or buy your way out of a drought.” – Wesley Tucker Source: Missouri Ruralist, June 26, 2023. Link. Consider some aggressive culling to … [Read more...]
Six degrees of connection: a new mathematical take on social ties (video)
The next time you connect with someone, remember you’re not just making a new acquaintance, you are participating in a universal human formula. Researchers recently showed that the simple human behavior of weighing the costs and benefits of social ties is related to the roots of the six degrees phenomenon by studying social ties in digital networks. The research suggests that … [Read more...]
The hard truth
The biggest lie we tell ourselves is: We crave truth. But the truth is hard and often uncomfortable. Being honest with someone is actually more respectful than holding back. Source: AXIOS, June 22, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Be blunt, respectful, factual and actionable Also see: How to deal with people who pretend to know more than they do, Fast Company, June 28, 2023. … [Read more...]
New heat stress app for pig producers
Heat stress in pigs costs the U.S. swine industry an estimated $481 million annually in revenue losses. HotHog, a new smartphone app that predicts heat stress in pigs is now available from USDA’s Agriculture Research Service. HotHog is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Hogs don’t sweat. They cope with heat through panting, while the caregivers adjust … [Read more...]
BVDV in wild hogs
Wild pigs can carry a number of infectious diseases including zoonotic diseases. A high seroprevalence rate of bovine diarrhea virus in wild pigs has been found in several U.S. states, according to a recent study by investigators at the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in Auburn, Alabama. Cattle are known as the dominant source of BVDV infection for pigs. … [Read more...]
Apps to help manage backyard chickens
One thing all chicken keepers need is a method to manage their birds. Ana Hotaling reviews four poultry-management apps backyard chicken keepers can consider to help them manage their flocks. Source: Hobby Farms, June 21, 2023. Link. Smartphone apps allow poultry keepers to easily add and modify flock information, keep track of egg production, and keep tabs on much more … [Read more...]
Avoid algae in horse and livestock water troughs
Working to maintain algae-free water helps keep horses drinking as temperatures rise. Here are two resources addressing algae growth suitable for sharing with horse and livestock owners on social media or in newsletters. Frequent water tank cleaning is important, especially in warm months and especially with plastic tanks.” Clair Thunes, PhD, says most algae don’t pose a … [Read more...]
Actor Michael Caine: Use the difficulty
Actor Sir Michael Caine shares some great perspectives in this short video clip. . . . when anything bad happens, you gotta' USE the difficulty.” – Micheal Caine Source: Aurelio Reis, Facebook reels. Link. INSIGHTS: Caine’s assertion resembles the proverbial phrase, “when life gives you lemons make lemonade.” … [Read more...]
The opposite of triggers, glimmers are all around us
A trigger is a person, place, thing or situation that elicits an intense or unexpected emotional response. Glimmers on the other hand are tiny micro-moments of joy that allow us to feel calm and give us a sense of inner peace. On the surface, glimmers may sound trivial says Deb Dana, LCSW, but they’re crucial to calming down our central nervous system. . . . glimmers can ease … [Read more...]
Agreement or commitment?
An agreement is a contract for mutual benefit. A commitment is deeper and more comprehensive. Commitments are worth the extra time and effort.” Source: gearsmagazine.com, March 5, 2021. Link. With commitment, there’s no going back – no limitation is recognized. It is the equivalent of the modern phrase, “I’m going all-in!” … [Read more...]
The cost of dying: Supporting employees through grief, despair and moving on
Grief and loss are part of our human condition and their effect differs between individuals. As a society, we are hesitant to talk about death and loss let alone address it in the workplace. One resource indicates as many as 31 percent of employers would welcome help on how to support bereaved employees, especially when it comes to making the first move. Unsupported grief in … [Read more...]
Skipping rocks and back to basics
Commentary . . . contains commercial content Every week our AHD team reviews hundreds of media items. Much of the content is about new, progressive trends or the personality of the month. When reading some recent pieces, I was reminded of helping my grandson learn how to skip rocks. The basic lesson starts with finding a flat rock, not too big, not too little . . . then … [Read more...]
Concerns rise as drought reduces hay supply
Early-season drought conditions across much of the country have affected the hay supply. Beyond basic availability, there are concerns about nutritional value, dependability of the hay source and what is in hay bought from an outside source. Whether buying hay for horses or cattle, there are important considerations to get the quality and value animals need. The five … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 22, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 15th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 15th AHD Bulletin – Dealing with no-shows. Link. Appearance and animal owner perception. Link. Sympathy versus empathy. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. ========================================== … [Read more...]