The Covid years were difficult for everyone. Yet some practices and their people emerged stronger. Why did some grow while others wilted? Source: Vet Advantage, April 2022. Link. What we perceive as value may not be what our customers value now.” INSIGHTS: Malone shares his belief that when you stop growing, you begin to die. How did you improve yourself today? … [Read more...]
Overcoming negativity
Seventeen simple words and a ton of psychology research about the best way to escape negative thinking. Source: Inc., May 17, 2024. Link. According to a massive recent study with one million participants, positive, happier people are simply more likely to be successful in life." INSIGHT: If you want to feel better yourself, focus on helping others feel better … [Read more...]
Continuous improvement
The moral of the story is if something worked yesterday, that doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to do today. Look at every interaction point a customer has with your organization and ask, “Is there a way to make it better?” Source: Vet Advantage, April 2024. Link. INSIGHTS: Always look for improvement. … [Read more...]
What do your customers value?
In most parts of the U.S. your potential customers have multiple clinics to choose from. So how do you differentiate your practice from others? Source: Vet Advantage, May 2023. Link. <BQ> “The same advice I gave distribution reps who are calling on your practice will work to create connections for the potential customers of your clinic.” INSIGHTS: It’s all … [Read more...]
Business storms
Did you ever notice how fresh the weather feels after a storm? Source: LinkedIn Pulse, April 19, 2024. Link. Leadership, much like weathering a tempest, demands a mix of resilience, foresight and the ability to venture beyond familiar territories.” INSIGHTS: Weather, either good or bad, doesn’t last forever. … [Read more...]
You ARE a potential leader and in sales!
A clinic’s success is not dependent on one or two people. Everyone working together influences the customer and the staff. The most successful clinics encourage and support leadership skills throughout their organizations. Source: Repertoire Magazine, April 2024. Link. Leaders are determined by their followers. No committed customers. No sales … [Read more...]
Logic and emotion
A better understanding of the dynamics of decision making will lead to more productive client conversations. Source: Vet Advantage, October 2023. Link. Attitudes are the road map for decisions. <BQ> “The good news is that attitudes translate into actions, and that is something you can see in your customer’s body language, hear in your customer’s voice, and … [Read more...]
Being lonely and being alone isn't the same. There are real health benefits to spending time by yourself. Source: AXIOS, March 26, 2024. Link. Solitude can relieve stress, boost confidence, and teach us something new about ourselves.” INSIGHTS: Sometimes you need expert advice. Listen to your inner voice. … [Read more...]
Words are important
There are strong words and weak words. There are resisting words and accepting words. The words you choose are a vital component to your success and these four tips will help you pick the right words. Source: BIG Think, March 27, 2024. Link. When the conversation is positive . . . using the pronoun “you” increases engagement . . . but, avoid “you” when the … [Read more...]
Finding joy
Kids are uniquely good at living in the present, being curious and making the most of their surroundings. They look for reasons to do things while many adults often look for reasons not to act. Source: AXIOS, March 19, 2024. Link. Our kids’ unique skills can help us solve problems and find happiness even as adults.” INSIGHTS: Be curious. … [Read more...]
A failure to communicate
Your paycheck may say you are a CEO, a senator, a manager, a teacher or a DVM. But you are really a communicator. Communication is a team sport. Clarity is everything. Source: AXIOS, March 14, 2024. Link. “When you are sick of hearing yourself say your big mission, it is just starting to sink in.” INSIGHT: Be direct. Say what you mean and mean what you say. … [Read more...]
Silent communication
In person, words make up less than 10 percent of your communication. Non-verbal clues will aid in understanding. Here are tips to help you read body language effectively. Source:, August 2023. Link. Consider all the nonverbal signals you receive, from eye contact to tone of voice to body language.” INSIGHTS: Trust what you see. Also see: How to … [Read more...]
Doing for others
To lock in and truly listen is a hard skill to master. It starts with shifting our gaze from the phone — or mirror. Source: AXIOS, February 29, 2024. Link. I cannot remember a single wish that she espoused that was truly for herself, other than to be with her people — and her greatest joy was in their happiness." INSIGHTS: The most meaningful success is helping … [Read more...]
Longevity’s secret
Many people don't put thought and intent into optimizing the one thing most do more than anything else . . . work. Source: AXIOS, February 22, 2024. Link. Worldwide sixty-two percent of employees are indifferent to their work lives. Eighteen percent are downright miserable. INSIGHT: Note the quote from Hal Buell obituary, “I had the greatest job in the whole … [Read more...]
Managing online reviews
If there are positive online reviews, they should be followed by an acknowledgment from the hospital thanking that customer within a week. Source: Vet Advantage, February 2022. Link. If there are negative reviews, they should also receive a response, but within 48 hours. INSIGHTS: The real objective is not to prove you are right, but rather to minimize the … [Read more...]
And, “What else?”
Most communication failures occur when we do not fully understand the customer’s point of view. Source: Vet Advantage, December 2022. Link. When the customer has answered your initial question, and you have acknowledged their response, the next appropriate follow-up question is, “And what else?” INSIGHT: Feeling nosey? Do not worry as leaders are naturally … [Read more...]
Consistent ordinary produces extraordinary
What a leader does every day may seem ordinary, but ordinary things done consistently are what it takes to be extraordinary. Source: Linkedin, February 5, 2024. Link. You have not had it easy. You have experienced setbacks, barriers, and people who were not on your side. Consistent focused persistence yields results.” – P.T. Malone … [Read more...]
Groundhog day again?
The iconic movie “Groundhog Day” is amusing, but also mirrors our journey in leadership and personal growth. Source: Linkedin Pulse, January 30, 2024. Link. Each iteration is an opportunity to refine strategies, enhance decision-making, and lead with more empathy and understanding. INSIGHTS: Embrace persistence and resilience. … [Read more...]
Do it NOW!
Speed has a force-multiplying effect. It eliminates festering problems faster and accelerates vital progress on important to-dos. Source: AXIOS, January 18, 2024. Link. Get it out of the way and you have freed up bandwidth . . . INSIGHTS: Per the old time management tip . . . handle it once. Also see: The Two-Minute Tool, GTD®, May 19, 2020. Link. David Allen explains … [Read more...]
Develop an opportunity mindset
We experience fear as displeasure, and we experience excitement as pleasure. It follows that we move toward situations that provide pleasure and we avoid situations that provoke displeasure. Source: Giant Leap Consulting, January 2024. Link. . . . create a field of excitement where employees are more apt to face challenges than shirk them.” INSIGHTS: Consequences are … [Read more...]
Leadership or sales tactics
The most successful sales reps use leadership skills instead of typical sales tactics to achieve and maintain their level of success. Remember that everyone is a customer.” – Patrick T. Malone Source: Vet Advantage, December 2023. Link. Giving your customers permission to complain creates a comfortable relationship that leads to a sustainable competitive … [Read more...]
The pros and cons of servant leadership
Servant leadership is based on a simple concept: that as an employee, a worker is present to serve the organization. Source: ConnectUS, February 6, 2019. Link. As one moves up higher into leadership, then there are more people to serve. INSIGHT: Much like a jet engine, there is a lag from spool-up to thrust. … [Read more...]
Communication – a critical skill for success
Commentary Mr. Malone will return next week. Considering the Gen Alpha post in this edition, we are sharing several of his posts about communication. Reviewing them reminds me of his consistent coaching themes. Becoming a decision-getter requires we get out of our own way . . . truly listen absent our agenda and then inquire about what else? “ – Kirk Augustine Source: AHD … [Read more...]
I feel the need for speed
This is the era of speed, indeed. The winners will narrow their focus to the tasks that truly matter — and activate. Focus is a force multiplier on work." Source: AXIOS, November 30, 2023. Link. Too many people confuse motion with movement. INSIGHT: Knock it out and move on. … [Read more...]
Keeping it simple
These invaluable tips for success are thought-provoking. But the real question is, do we apply this advice practically to improve our situation? Source: Inc., November 20, 2023. Link. Investing in yourself is the best thing you can do.” INSIGHTS: If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room. … [Read more...]
Pay attention to others. They’re not thinking of you.
We all spend way too much time stewing about what other people are thinking about us — when they're not thinking about us at all. Source: AXIOS, November 16, 2023. Link. …paying attention to others is very different from worrying about what others think about you.” INSIGHT: You are not as bad as some say nor are you as good as others say. … [Read more...]
Be curious
One of the simplest and more effective ways to brighten someone’s day is by asking them a question. Being asked about ourselves and our lives makes us feel listened to, understood, cared for and validated. Source: Axios, November 7, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Be interested and others will find you interesting. … [Read more...]
The critical skill for success
Communication is critical for success. Yet it is multifaceted and beyond simply the expression of words. If you cannot communicate, it is like winking at a date in the dark . . . nothing happens.” Source: Inc., November 7, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: Words and “music” make the song complete. … [Read more...]
The value of teamwork
We are talking about willing collaboration between professionals. Source: foundr, March 6, 2023. Link. Improved teamwork can better distribute work and share the load.” INSIGHT: Teamwork is more than a buzzword on a poster … [Read more...]
Want to move up?
Power should rarely flow from title or tenure and five other tips to help you earn more influence in your organization. Source: AXIOS, October 20, 2023. Link. The cold, hard truth of power is that it's easier to lose than to win. You can avoid criticism by saying nothing, doing nothing and being nothing.” Aristotle … [Read more...]