Strange-acting deer are being seen in the upper Midwest. Their zombie-like behavior is not CWD, rather it is epizootic hemorrhagic disease. EHD is common in the southeastern part of the U.S. but new in the upper Midwest.
Biting flies known as midges, or more commonly called no-see-ums, carry the virus that causes EHD. When insects bite a host, such as a deer, they transmit the virus into the host’s bloodstream. Infected deer develop a high fever, along with ulcers inside their body and internal bleeding. Because of these injuries, walking can become painful for the deer, so they may try to move by crawling on their knees.
A deer with the disease may appear listless and lethargic and may be found walking in circles.”
Source: New York Post, August 27, 2022. Link. The life cycle of midges will only begin to slow down in early November when the first frost kills them.