This article falls into the category of “YHTBKM.” Zoya Teirstein writes about the proliferation and migration of the Lone Star tick and risks associated with it, including a meat allergy that can be life-changing.
It only takes one bite from a lone star tick for an unsuspecting victim to develop a meat allergy that can last months, years, or even an entire lifetime.
Source: Medium, May 3, 2018. Link.
Compared to blacklegged ticks, lone stars are much more aggressive. Blacklegged ticks behave in relatively predictable ways — they hang out in leafy undergrowth, arms and legs outstretched in case a hapless animal or human passes by.
Lone stars, on the other hand, hunt in packs and travel at surprising speeds, emerging from the leaf litter like a swarm of thirsty, galloping lentils.
INSIGHTS: This reads a horror movie script. Still, if you’ve struggle with explaining the need for tick prevention, use this article to emphasize the potential threats if prevention measures are not used.