Last week’s most read post
No, people aren’t giving up pandemic pets because they’re bored
Source: Animal Health Digest, May 18, 2021. Link.
Two words for an instant dose of empathy
Source: Forge, May 3, 2021. Link. Try mirroring the other person’s struggle with the words “of course” to validate their challenges or feelings.
Why do we hate the sound of our own voices?
Source: The Conversation, May 17, 2021. Link. If the voice in your head castigates the voice coming out of a recording device, it’s probably your inner critic overreacting – and you’re judging yourself a bit too harshly.
Bullsh*tting: The pros and cons of using empty and misleading communication
Source: CITY, University of London, May 19, 2021. Link.
While there are positive and negative consequences, the use of bullsh*tting is one that must be carefully considered, and it can be a slippery slope for individuals and organizations.”
Dogs shed light on chemical exposures and disease
Source: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, April 14, 2021. Link. In this podcast, you’ll hear from two researchers who are using silicone monitoring devices to detect chemical exposures in dogs and their owners to gain insight into the ways our daily exposures may affect our health.
15 Clichés to avoid with a ten-foot pole
Source: Word Genius, September 10, 2020. Link. A cliché is a phrase that has been beaten to death (😉 that’s a cliché). Because it’s been so overused, any significant meaning it may have had has been lost.