Ionophores help control coccidiosis and more
Source: Dairy Herd Management, March 4, 2021. Link. Ionophores promote calf health and performance through a combination of disease control and improved feed efficiency. They also have shown numerous benefits in dry, transition, and lactating cow rations.
5 signs indicate the time to consult a professional obedience trainer
Source: Animal Wellness, August 24, 2018. Link. Consider a trainer if the dog shows: aggression; destructive behavior; excessive barking; leash pulling; ignoring commands.
Measure twice, cut once is sage wisdom
Source: SmartBrief, March 3, 2021. Link.
Be quick but don’t hurry” – John Wooden, legendary UCLA basketball coach
5 Hard lessons learned from a year of virtual FFA
Source: PORK, February 23, 2021. Link. If you’re curious about FFA experiences during the pandemic, Jennifer Shike shares perspectives in five areas.
Using technology to enhance laboratory–client interaction while encouraging best behavior
Source: Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, March 1, 2021. (abstract only) Link.
As <clinic>clients transitioned, data have become more complete, resulting in easier queries and an improved ability to leverage the diagnostic data.