Watch the quiet people.
Source: Animal Health Digest, June 1, 2021. Link.
Knowing when not to talk is an art.” – Patrick T. Malone
Empowered women empowering others
Source: DVM 360, May/June 2021. Link. Empowering Veterinary Teams’ founders Alyssa Mages, CVT and Caitlin Keat, BS, MS are filling their own career gaps by helping veterinary support teams fine-tune, develop and grow their competencies.
Always put a quarter on a frozen cup of water before storms
Source: KMBC 9 News, June 2, 2021. Link. A simple way to determine if your power was out long enough to damage food in the refrigerator or freezer.
Reasons for getting a dog from a responsible breeder
Source: Puppies and Pooches, June 4, 2021. Link. Finding a reputable breeder has many purposes including the health and well-being of your puppy over time and the emotional component of it becoming a family member.
Ticks on a ‘quest’ for blood at California’s beaches. Is Lyme disease a rising risk?
Source: Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2021. Link. Millions of people enjoying hanging out at California baches in the warmer months. So do ticks carrying Lyme disease.
A boy sold his Pokémon cards to pay his sick dog’s vet bill. Then the donations started.
Source: The Washington Post, June 7, 2021. Link. Bryan Kliemann’s Pokémon card collection is his most prized possession. But the 8-year old boy from Lebanon, Va., decided to sell it to save his dog’s life.