101 million rotisserie chickens later, Costco has a record year. Source: WinSight Grocery Business, January 22, 2021. Link
It’s more than chickens. Find out how the warehouse giant keeps growing.
Chewy CEO: Pet owners will keep shopping onlineSource: CNBC, January 19, 2020. Link. Chewy CEO Sumit Singh said Tuesday that calls to its customer service line prompted the online pet supplies retailer to accelerate its plans to launch a virtual vet service.
Divorce attorneys report rise in pet custody cases Source: Pets Magazine, January 22, 2021. Link.
“The ownership of a family pet can be one of the most emotive and distressing issues to resolve for separating couples.”
3 ways to manage your desires and be happier Source: Niklas Göke, January 25, 2021. Link.
When you want something, you can choose to work on one of two objectives:
Getting the thing.
No longer wanting it.
Most often, objective #2 isn’t just much easier to achieve, it’s also the right thing to do.
Most popular dog breeds in 2021 Source: Puppies and Pooches, January 21, 2021. Link.
The list starts with Golden Retriever, Goldendoodles and French Bulldog.