How to recognize and work with narcissistic leaders
Source: Entrepreneur, February 17, 2021. Link. When the only way you can feel emotionally and mentally safe to have any exchange with your colleague or boss is with a witness, it’s time to consider a transition strategy.
Dogs synchronize their behavior with children, but more with adults, study finds
Source: Oregon State University, January 25, 2021. Link. “Sometimes we don’t give children and dogs enough credit. . .”
Putting people first: Burnout prevention and how it translates into profits
Source: Veterinary Integration Solutions, YouTube. Link. Bob Lester, Ivan Zakharenkov and Thom Jenkins discussing how to prevent burnout in veterinary medicine! This is the current burn out triggers.
DNA’s practical role on the ranch
Source: Drovers, February 2021. Link.
As long as DNA is a value creation tool and not a cost, it has a place.”
Puppy Proofing Your House
Source: Puppies and Pooches, October 28, 2020. Link. Tips to keep energetic and curious puppies safe in their new homes.