We noted instructions for international travelers on the USDA website <Link> including sanitizing or burning clothing and shoes. This warning is important for all animal health pros and is relevant considering the growing U.S. population of feral hogs: Do NOT visit a farm, premises with pigs, livestock market, sale barn, zoo, circus, pet store with pot-bellied pigs, or any other animal facility with pigs for at least five days after returning from a foreign country.
“On-farm biosecurity matters all day, every day and all the time,” asserts Jack Shere, DVM. “We can’t afford to take any chances with this disease. I implore everyone who works with pigs to know the signs and symptoms of ASF.”
We have strong safeguards in place . . . they may not be enough . . . rapid response is crucial during a foreign animal disease detection.”
Source: Feedstuffs, October 13, 2022. Link. The U.S. has remained on high alert and has aggressively taken steps to protect not only U.S. pigs but the rural communities that support the swine industry’s half a million jobs. Use and share the resources on USDA’s Protect our Pigs webpage, which includes information and materials to help spread the word about ASF awareness.
Also see: Minnesota DNR captures feral pigs, PORK, October 14, 2022. Link.
Feral swine can transmit pathogens to domestic pigs and vector more than 20 diseases that scientists know of at this time.”