Butt sniffing is how dogs gather information about each other. It is normal and a necessary ritual that dogs do during greetings, writes Jill Breitner. She describes the 3-second dog greeting rule can keep everyone safe and happy in the event a dog goes overboard in its zeal for getting to know another dog.
The hormones excreted by the glands surrounding their genitalia offer a lot of information about the dog and we need to get over it. It’s a dog’s version of a hand shake.
Source: Dogster, February 22, 2019. Link.
Greetings are how dogs communicate and that sometimes involves smelling each others’ butts and inguinal area, offering very important information, such as, another dog’s diet, gender and emotional state.
INSIGHTS: Consider this article for social media posts, e-newsletters and as a resource for new dog owners. The graphics are well done and could be appropriate for vet talks at elementary schools. <cue snickering>