A recent series of studies have showed white-tailed deer can become infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. Other studies show wild white-tailed deer can also become infected. Samantha Wisely, professor of wildlife ecology at the University of Florida, details how to keep disease transmission from deer to humans low.
Source: University of Florida Extension, January 14, 2022. Link. Although this virus has previously demonstrated to jump from various animal species to people, the risk to most people is very low. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 guidelines, there are 3 categories of risk for people to contract COVID-19 from wildlife depending on their behavior or occupation.
- The general public
- Hunters
- Deer farmers and wildlife professionals who will be in close proximity to white-tailed deer
Also see: Pandemic coronavirus is widespread in Iowa deer, AHD, November 9, 2021. Link.