Winter is in full swing, but with all the confusion from Covid-19, not all horses received their normal exams. Christine Barakat, DVM, stresses the importance of comprehensive wellness exams to help prevent problems. She shares a partial list of the topics likely to be addressed in them and why.
With mares foaling now, veterinarians receive calls to assist. Performing exams on other horses while monitoring a foaling mare just makes sense.
Source: EQUUS, November 2020. Link.
Also see: Horse health by the season, Horse and Rider, July 2019. Link. Note the checklist calendar provided in this article by Barb Crabbe, DVM.
INSIGHTS: While sometimes redundant, sound equine information is highly valued by horse owners. Animal health pros who accept owner memory loss often find verifying horse owner knowledge and subsequent repetition supports prevention steps and reinforces owners’ dependence on the professional for best the information.