Cows require additional nutrients during the month before calving. Crude protein needs increase as they move closer to calving, so feeding the highest quality hay just ahead of that time is best. Amy Radunz, University of Wisconsin associate professor, discussed hay quality and quantity with Sara Brown for this article. She shared two main take-homes for producers and their professional support teams to consider:
- Feed your highest quality hay when it’s most needed.
- Be ready to provide supplemental feedstuffs as the potential calf is growing.
Source: Drovers, January 2018, page 36.
Prioritize hay supplies based on nutrient quality for the cow and her growing calf. How do you best utilize what forage you have or are going to purchase?
- Forage test from each cutting.
- Match hay nutrient content to the stage of production or month prior-to or post-calving.
INSIGHTS: This simple one-page article could start good discussions with cow/calf producers to ensure calving successes are supported nutritionally. It is also a good reason for a veterinarian and a nutritionist to have a discussion.