Fido is finding the gummies and he likes them. So far this year, the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center has observed a 765 percent rise in calls about animals ingesting marijuana than for the same time last year. The Pet Poison Helpline reports a 448 percent increase in calls over the past six years. Veterinary and animal health professionals share what to do when dogs eat weed.
Source: Huffington Post, October 22, 2019. Link. “Anecdotally, I’d say we’ve seen it becoming more common over the last two or three years,” Kenneth Drobatz, a professor of clinical care at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. He offers tips if an animal ingests pot.
Be aware of the signs
- Act fast
- Induce vomiting
- Seek professional treatment
- Let the vet determine a plan
- Make sure it won’t happen again
INSIGHTS: This issue isn’t going away. Here are additional resources upon which you can draw.