Biosecurity is not new to animal health pros. It is central to successfully providing safe care for animals and their owners. Diseases such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, hog cholera, bird flu, leptospirosis, PEDV, PRRS, salmonella and BVD have pushed us to focus on optimizing infection controls, using quarantine areas and hospital pens in concert with geographic distancing to reduce disease exposure.
When vaccines, bacterins and parasite management are incorporated, biosecurity measures reduce disease exposure across collective populations.
Fomite control is at the center of biosecurity measures regardless of species
Part 3: Biosecurity strategies for the future
A. Search Results for: fomite, Animal Health Digest. Link.
B. Approach to COVID-19 similar to battling swine pathogens, National Hog Farmer, April 21, 2020. Link. Herd immunity is used to describe the threshold proportion of immune animals that should lead to a decline in incidence of infection attributable to immunity acquired via infection and/or vaccination explains Chris Chase, DVM, SDSU.
C. How long can the virus that causes Covid-19 live on surfaces? Johns Hopkins University HUB, March 20, 2020. Link.
D. Top 10 disinfectants for COVID-19, Clinician’s Brief, April 3, 2020. Link. Note the cleaning algorithm:
- Removal of visible organic matter from the surface,
- Cleaning with an appropriate detergent and drying time, and
- Application of disinfectant (following the manufacturer’s directions regarding appropriate dilution, application method, contact time, expiration after mixing, and storage conditions).
E. 10 social distancing tips for livestock producers, Farm Progress, April 16, 2020. Link.
F. Biosecurity training needs to be on-going, Dairy Herd Management, July 9, 2019. Link.
INSIGHTS: We cannot rest on our laurels. Progress may seem slight compared to previous experiences. We must manage Covid-19 viral risks behaviorally until scientists outpace the virus with science and biotechnologies.
As animal health pros, we are well-positioned to contribute and support community biosecurity measures to ensure everyone’s safety.
We CAN make a difference!