There are 4.4 billion social media users today. Ashley Viens describes how it has altered the way we interact both online and offline . She also notes the rate of social media growth is slowing, though use is still growing. From 2017 to 2018, the average person increased usage by three minutes per day, while becoming a new user of 0.8 social media accounts.
What happens in a social media minute is mind-boggling:
- 6 million messages sent over Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp
- 347,222 people are scrolling Instagram
- 87,500 people posting to Twitter
- 5 million videos on YouTube being watched
Source: Visual Capitalist, September 21, 2019. Link. Social media has evolved from simply keeping us connected to our friends. Beyond access to careers, companies, events and relationships, social media has propelled e-commerce into the limelight.
. . . nearly 50% of Millennials admit that their activity on social media has caused them to overspend . . .
INSIGHTS: The infographic and article are packed with considerations for marketing and sales pros. The trends here are important to the way animal health pros engage customers, colleagues and constituents.