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The final week for 2020 reporting for VetWatch shows the canine and feline core vaccine indices ended at a robust 9.0 percent YTD growth across the 32,000+ practices and shelter locations in the Animalytix Marketplace.
Other key findings include:
- Revenue growth year to date for the week remained positive in all areas of the country, averaging 5.6% nationally.
- Surgical suite volume was slightly up YTD for the final week at 5.4% continuing an upward trend.
- Core & Lifestyle Canine & Feline Vaccine practice purchasing remain at a robust positive year to date value, breaking 9.0% nationally.
- Kennel Cough product purchasing was positive at 2.6% nationally year to date up from prior weeks.
- Parasiticide purchasing remained ahead of last year and slightly up for the week at 7.7% year to date.
- YTD growth for canine combination flea and heartworm moved to 12.8% growth while canine heartworm preventatives ended with YTD growth of 7.3%.
Source: VetWatch, January 12, 2021. Link. Find the full commentary here.
INSIGHTS: The veterinarian and pet owner sentiments section beginning on page 7 reveal attitudes about telemedicine and reasons why pet owners contacted their veterinarian during the pandemic crisis.