Animal rights activists are often loud, opinionated and definitely disruptive. And they are influencers too.
Each year, the Animal Agriculture Alliance releases reports from major animal rights conferences. It’s critical to understanding what strategies and tactics will be used next against animal agriculture, says Hannah Thompson-Weeman, communications director, Animal Agriculture Alliance.
Source: PORK, July 18, 2018. Link. Rather than summarize the conference, Thompson-Weeman lets the activists speak for themselves sharing some of the most concerning, telling and outlandish statements made at this year’s event.
INSIGHTS: Outrageous? Maybe. Even within our own animal health pro ranks, there is subtle growth in the attitudes about humane animal care that mirror animal liberation rather than sound animal stewardship.
At the risk of stirring the proverbial hornets’ nest, consider this quote from Erica Meier, Compassion Over Killing, “It’s not up to science to say what’s right or wrong, it’s up to communities.” OK, Erica . . . I agree on community, not science. The animal health scientific community and the companies that invest in health and safety for animals is beyond knowledgeable about what is good, bad or indifferent for animals.