Intrepid Learning recently published an infographic to share the results of their 2020 learning and development survey. The results indicate little change compared to 2019 including weaknesses from the top down. The main findings are:
- Leadership is still the most critical topic
- Learning with and from others remains the best modality
- Learning cultures are still seen as negative
Source: Intrepid Learning, March 2020. Link. When describing the learning culture at their organization, about three fourths of responses were a negative assessment.
Self-paced e-learning is clearly missing the mark when it comes to the desire for learning with and from others collaboratively and isn’t leading directly to the kind of on-the-job application required for real behavior change and organizational transformation.
INSIGHTS: There are some important considerations in these results. To provide more collaborative learning opportunities suggests the employee on-boarding timelines need to be extended and include seasoned employees. The trial-by-fire training is obsolete.