Last week we shared Sara Taylor’s article on unconscious filters and biases <Link>. In this article, MWI’s Lesli Stasiek shares excerpts from the 2023 State of Allyship-In-Action survey in which WILMAH participated. The participation enabled a look at animal health industry data separate from the total survey results. Positioning allyship as a continuum, she shares the survey results from “anti” to “advocate.”
The data on gender discrepancies and the discussion of microaggressions are important and revealing. Biases in this context expand beyond traditional silos to expose trends in how we see, treat and likely dismiss each other daily.
Source: Veterinary Advantage, June 2024. Link.
Allyship is about people taking actions to support, amplify, and advocate for others, especially for others who don’t belong to the same societal group or have the same level of privilege or influence.”
INSIGHTS: Vive la difference takes on a new meaning when acting as an ally. The value of Stasiek’s article becomes actionable when skimmed and then read with your own situation(s) as a backdrop. The data establishes a set of benchmarks from which to determine what is true for you and where improvement can begin.
Photo credit: Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School