The complex microbial community in the gut of animals plays a critical role in pathogen control, immune function, nutrient provision and intestinal morphology. Animals are born with no effective gut microbiota. Inoculation and colonization begins as the animal exits the birth canal. Each animal’s microbiota is unique, but 90 percent of the contributing organisms are of the phyla Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes.
Helen Warren provides additional perspective on gut health and its value in addressing antimicrobial resistance.
Source: Feed Strategy, March 2019, page 48. Link.
Also see: How gut health promotes animal welfare in monogastrics, Animal Health Digest. July 10, 2018.
Everything in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is connected: the nutrition, the microbiome and the gut and immune function
INSIGHTS: Whether ruminant or monogastric, gut microbiota influences animal health. Managing the microbiota is not a new concept but advancing science helps us understand how critical gut health is to the well-being of our food animals and pets.