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It takes a community of advocates to ensure individual pets and pet populations are given the best protection options. A unified message of prevention, risk identification and consistent questioning during intakes is essential for managing risk. Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, DACZM, DACVPM, shares the importance of intake protocols focusing on opportunities in pet services locations where pets are seen multiple times each week. Her assertions are also applicable to veterinary clinics.
Chatfield comments about effective staff training and notes the importance of consistency. Whether monthly, biweekly or semiannually, training requires maintenance rather than project completion.
A key component of any effective customer service-related industry training is effective communication.” – Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, DACZM, DACVPM
Source: Pet boarding and daycare, November/December 2023. Link. Establishing solid intake protocols, strictly adhering to those intake protocols, consistently reinforcing staff training and maintaining effective communication are all key to any pet care facility preserving the health of their clients’ pets.