Your behavior could be costing you on many levels, writes Portia Stewart, editor of Vetted. About 10 percent of pet owners who relinquish their pets say it’s because of behavior issues. Consider that 7.6 million pets end up in shelters each year and 2.7 million are euthanized, behavior is a high risk factor that can disrupt the human-animal bond.
Source: Vetted, December 1, 2016.
When pet owners choose euthanasia for healthy pets, the emotional toll can be heavy for pets, their owners and your team. And you probably haven’t even considered how it can hurt your business (and future referrals). You could be losing $12,712 or more every time you don’t talk about behavior and the client opts for convenience euthanasia.
INSIGHTS: Also see, Behavior drugs, nothing to fear, November 12, 2016.