Includes Sponsored Content Janice O'Brien, PhD, joins Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM, to share some early findings from the Dog Aging Project’s large database. The conversation focuses on the latest data about dog owners and their nutritional decisions for their pets. Source: Chats with the Chatfields, YouTube, October 21, 2024. Link. The Dog Aging … [Read more...]
Simon Sinek: What Noah taught me about leadership (true story)
Simon Sinek shares a true story of his experience with a barista named Noah which taught him an interesting lesson about leadership. In under three minutes, Sinek shares the importance of leadership creating the right environment. Throughout the day managers will walk past me, ask me how I am doing and if I need anything . . .” Source: Live2Lead, YouTube, Simon Sinek, … [Read more...]
Are we really busy enough to hire? (podcast)
Eric Garcia and Andy Roarke, DVM, discuss management adjustments versus the need for hiring in veterinary practices in this podcast. They question if practices are truly understaffed or if the desire to hire is to offset by non-managed inefficiencies. They explore ways to increase operational efficiencies and where technology can improve practice management. Source: Cone of … [Read more...]
Pathway to CVPM certification (videos)
Samantha Millet, CVPM, Tiffany Consalvo, CVPM, and Christine M. Cesena, CVPM, share their challenges, perseverance, and benefits of becoming a Certified Veterinary Practice Manager. The link below begins with Millet and then links to Consalvo and Cesena in a series of informative personal experience videos of about two minutes each. Source: VHMA, YouTube, February 23, 2023. … [Read more...]
Climate-neutral farming is possible
“Reducing methane reduces warming,” shares Frank Mitloehner, PhD, who sits down with Elanco’s Jeff Simmons to discuss trust, cows, milk and the climate. The interview covers the complex relationship between livestock and climate change and the importance of finding solutions to reduce global emissions. Elanco recently introduced Bovear®, a first-in-class methane-reducing … [Read more...]
Documentary: Inside the mind of a dog
Complimentary Content This Netflix documentary is touted as “must see TV.” It delves into how dogs came to be companions, along with scientific and emotional insights about these unique animals humans love so much. Dogs smell in color, have noseprints and are both prey and predator.” Source: Netflix, YouTube, Official Trailer. Link. [1:35] … [Read more...]
Get back to helping pets and their people
Sponsored Commercial Content Veterinarians explain how they use Talkatoo in their practices, saving time and energy and streamlining workflow. Shawn Wilkie shares how Talkatoo is revolutionizing veterinary practices with Auto-SOAP generator, dictation and AI Assistant. Talkatoo allows me several ways to get information inside my brain out into the world.” – Michelle Scott, … [Read more...]
Animal Cracker’s YouTube videos raise concerns about animal chiropractic
Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA, shares concerns and assertions about doctors of chiropractic performing animal adjustments and challenges regulatory language. Animal chiropractic is considered part of physical medicine as shared in several Animal Health Digest posts which include eye-opening information about the animal chiropractor licensing process <Link>. It … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 9, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, May 2, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the May 2nd AHD Bulletin – Why vet bills are so high. Link. 7 cleaning tips about washing pet toys. Link. AHD’s archives offer a quick way to see posts by month, see what you missed. Archives for April 2024. … [Read more...]
The hidden risk of letting AI decide – losing the skills to choose for ourselves (video)
Sharing dangers of outsourcing decisions to AI, Joe Árvai, PhD, says AI is mere keystrokes away from making people even less disciplined and skilled when it comes to thoughtful decisions. He recognizes the potential benefits in cybersecurity, health care and finance, where complex models and massive amounts of data need to be analyzed routinely and quickly. Still, Árvai warns … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – March 28, 2024
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, March 21, 2024. Link. Most read post(s) from the March 21st AHD Bulletin – AAFP updates position statements on the responsible breeding and indoor/outdoor lifestyle of cats. Link. Silent communication. Link. No excuses to skip prevention with cash cattle markets nearing historic highs. Link. … [Read more...]
13 things dogs hate that humans do (video)
Inconsistencies, forcing dogs into uncomfortable situations, changing food too quickly and ignoring dogs’ health needs are included in the items in this informative video. Use video content like this to engage pet owners on social media or in newsletters. Add assertive comments or pet care reminders from your own hospital or pet services business. For example: “Puppy classes … [Read more...]
Hercules, Yeager Airport’s working Border Collie
Working and service dogs come in all shapes and sizes. In this video, Hercules and his dual roles at Yeager Airport in Charleston, West Virginia, are featured. He and his handler patrol the runways and taxiways to chase wildlife away and take time to greet passengers. Enjoy! Source: MotionMasters, YouTube, April 11, 2019. Link. (2:45) … [Read more...]
Chatfields and Joseph J. Wakshlag, DVM, PhD, share updates on using hemp, CBD for pets
Commercial Content included It seems everyone is talking about hemp and CBD for pets and there are several considerations for veterinarians. Studies are showing CBD and CBDA can be helpful in certain conditions common to pets and potentially with livestock. Topics include pain, stress, anxiety, inflammation, itching plus dosing and quality issues with so many sources of … [Read more...]
Benefits of changing how we think about stress
Stress has been made into a public health enemy but research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us make stress a friend in this TED talk. Source: TED Global 2013, YouTube, June 2013. Link. (14:16) INSIGHTS: Consider this video for a team meeting. … [Read more...]
Over-the-counter meds & pet poisoning perils
Renee Schmid, DVM, DABVT, DABT, joins Drs Jenifer and Jason Chatfield to discuss the often-overlooked dangers of common over-the-counter medications for pets. Pain medications like Advil, Tylenol, Aleve and aspirin top Dr. Schmid’s list of OTC medications that frequently cause issues for pets. Schmid notes that a high number of calls they receive at the Pet Poison Helpline … [Read more...]
Creating a Fear Free toothbrushing experience for pets (video)
Fear Free specialists explain how pet owners can make the often stressful task of brushing their pet’s teeth into something Fear Free. The video is good to repost on social media, link in newsletters or use in exam rooms. Source: Fear Free Pets, YouTube. Link. (3:25) Sponsored Content. Dental wipes make oral care easy and convenient. MAXI/GUARD® family of oral care … [Read more...]
The relationship between foxes and coyotes living in cities (video)
A colleague sent us this video featuring a University of Minnesota researcher documenting the relationship between foxes and coyotes in the Twin Cities seven-county metro area. Informative, it explains the challenges of fox-coyote relationships which push foxes closer to our backyards. The intersection of wildlife and our domestic animals is worth more attention and … [Read more...]
Episode 3, Zoetis’ Born of the Bond
Complimentary Sponsored Content The health of an operation depends on the health of its herd. This episode of The Born of the Bond Series documents the story of the Schuler Red Angus Operation. By being proactive in vaccinating their cattle, the Schulers have helped their operation avoid any serious health issues for more than two decades. The Born of the Bond series … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – December 14, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, 2023. Link. Most read posts from the December 7th AHD Bulletin – Pay attention to others. They’re not thinking of you. Link. Lapsing client numbers increasing. Link. The average pet owner has 72 “pet panics” per year. Link. ============================================ Top 10 veterinary … [Read more...]
Training a chicken or turkey to come when called
Giving the same greeting each day lets the birds know you’re coming and bringing food. In no time, the birds come running. Source: Backyard Poultry, May 12, 2019. Link. Also see: Calling your chickens home! How to train a recall with your chickens, Avian Behavior International, YouTube, May 2020. Link. (4:14) … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – August 24, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, August 17, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from August 17th AHD Bulletin – Building rapport with questions. Link. …another dental treat? The inventor of Greenies™ says, “Yes.” Link. Taking care of thirsty pollinators. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Stop throwing new hires into the proverbial pool
Complimentary Commercial Content and Commentary Newly hired employees are a precious resource for any business. Significant time and cost were expended in the hiring process which was likely initiated because help was needed immediately. Getting off on the wrong foot with a new hire is problematic for them and the business. Data indicates 81 percent of new hires say were … [Read more...]
Data-driven decision making for pet care professionals
Sponsor supported content Gingr’s Alison Fisher joins Jamie Engerdahl, CPACP, to discuss using pet services data to increase customer experiences, use staff more efficiently and drive revenue. Engerdahl also shares what PACCC does for pet care professionals and their employers. Source: PACCC, YouTube, July 26,2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Morris Animal Foundation celebrates 75 years of helping animals (video)
Morris Animal Foundation is celebrating 75 years of helping dogs, cats, horses and wildlife through scientific research. Spend five minutes to understand the history, importance and contributions this organization has and continues to provide to our industry. Source: Morris Animal Foundation, YouTube, June 13, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
How does laminitis affect the hoof? (video)
Complimentary Commercial Content Mike Barker explains how laminitis affects the horse's foot. The video is part of a curation of hoof care highlights <Link>. Source: American Farriers Journal, YouTube, June 17, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]
Petco presents: The Ultimate Dog(g)
Commentary Veterinary teams in private or corporate practices need to be aware of this ad campaign and consider what it is telling dog owners. It is disappointing to see the less money theme perpetuated at a time when many veterinary practices are still dealing with staffing challenges, appointment availability and levels of services. It takes a Dogg to know a dog. And … [Read more...]
Leading when trapped on the working floor (video)
Note: This video represents present-day challenges from a connected, communicating animal health pro community. Staffing challenges remain a big problem, says Amy Newfield, MS, CVT, VTS (ECC). She speaks to leaders at all levels encouraging them to share what is going on with them individually and work to rectify the situation with veterinary clinic managers. I’m feeling … [Read more...]
Perfectly snotty: Understanding feline upper respiratory infections
Includes Sponsored Content Dr. Danette Schweers, and hosts, Dr. Jen the vet and Jason Chatfield, DVM, dive into the world of feline upper respiratory infections. They discuss the common causes and symptoms of this disease, including sneezing, coughing, runny nose and eyes, and fever. They explore the best methods for prevention and treatment, including vaccinations, … [Read more...]
Dog helps parents raise twins by grabbing milk, blankets, diapers, toys (video)
Lucy seems to have a complex understanding of words and unique item recognition abilities making her the best big sister ever. Source: Good Morning America, YouTube, March 20, 2023. Link. … [Read more...]