Sponsored Content Animal health pros routinely deal with zoonotic diseases and risks. New cheat sheets that break down the best practices for preventing the transmission of these pathogens were developed by Virox in collaboration with Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM. Source: Virox® Technologies Inc., February 14, 2022. Link. Cheat sheets are available … [Read more...]
Salmonella sp. is ubiquitous and not going away
USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service is mobilizing a strong and comprehensive effort to reduce Salmonella illnesses associated with poultry products. Swine producers took note since Salmonella I 4, [5],12:i:- has emerged as one of the most identified serotypes in pigs, pork and humans worldwide. Salmonella is an opportunistic bacterium that loves to get into something at … [Read more...]
The difference between disinfecting and sanitizing, according to the CDC
Sponsored Commercial Content Cleaning can mean everything from straightening up to scrubbing down. When it comes to disinfecting and sanitizing, the definitions, as set by the Centers for Disease Control, are more clear-cut. Sarah Showfety shares the definitions and actions from a home environment perspective. The step-by-step guidance is appropriate for veterinary clinics, … [Read more...]
Mark your calendars. Register for upcoming educational events.
Sponsored Content Animal health pros will want to register for two upcoming events sponsored by Virox™ Animal Health: This Profession Can Kill You: Top 5 deadly bugs in practice! Speaker: Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ACVPM Event: Viticus Virtual Summit Date and time: February 18, 2021, 2:55 p.m. EST. Registration: Link. Chatfield’s … [Read more...]