Summary: The parasites causing equine protozoal myeloencephalitis are ubiquitous in U.S. horses, yet fewer than one percent of the horses that carry one or both of the parasites develop clinical symptoms of EPM. Find out more about these parasites and which horses may be more predisposed to EPM. Source: The Horse. Horses cannot catch EPM from each other; rather, they’re … [Read more...]
Prepurchase exams: What to expect.
Summary: Prepurchase exams are common when horses are sold. They help buyers feel confident that the horse they are considering will be up to the task(s) they intend to use them for. Just remember, these exams do not guarantee future soundness. They are snapshots of the horses’ condition at the current time. This article highlights what goes into proper prepurchase … [Read more...]
Over-supplementing horses can cause problems
Horses get all of the minerals they need from good quality forage and/or a balanced commercial ration. Over-supplementing them can cause a lack of absorption of necessary nutrients in the small intestine. It should be avoided. Source: The Horse Over-supplementation can lead to problems with proper absorption and nutrient balance. Good quality forage contains many essential … [Read more...]
Equine vaccination Q and A
Horse owners have questions about vaccines. Nancy Loving, DVM addresses common questions from magazine readers in this article. Veterinary teams, dealers and representatives will find value in understanding the horse owner perspectives. The questions remind us that our knowledge when not shared leaves our customers with questions. Source: The Horse, March 2016, page 16. … [Read more...]
Ensure equine dewormers are efficacious
According to the recent study, Efficacy of major anthelmintics for reduction of fecal shedding of strongyle-type eggs in horses in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States published in Veterinary Parasitology odds are high that some commercially available dewormers – fenbendazole, oxibendazole, and pyrantel pamoate – showed poor efficacy on the majority of farms … [Read more...]
Three must-reads from ‘The Horse’
This issue is well done, diverse and interesting. It reflects the partnerships with AAEP and AAVT. Horse owners won’t toss it away. It starts with the drive-to-work observations of Stephanie Church, editor-in-chief, who notes how easily interspecies contact can muddle our best prevention efforts. If you deal with horse owners in any capacity, this issue is a keeper. Source: … [Read more...]
The new navicular paradigm
Navicular disease has gained well-deserved attention in the past two years. Lameness is a challenge for horse owners and veterinarians, regardless of what it is called. This article sets the stage for more comprehensive treatment of navicular disease and lameness. Equine veterinary teams and sales personnel servicing them will benefit from reading this story and discussing how … [Read more...]