Swine It Podcast host Laura Greiner, PhD, visits with Jason McAlister who shares how we can improve animal welfare while simultaneously improving the efficiency of production facilities. We may just need to get down on all fours and think like a pig would…” Source: Swine It Podcast, September 27, 2022. Link. Greiner and McAlister discuss: Moving from meat science to … [Read more...]
Pigs and airflow – how important is it and how do we optimize it? (podcast)
An important component of having good health is proper air quality and airflow in swine barns. Brett Ramirez, PhD, discusses proper airflow, the importance of air quality in new and old barns, and other things to consider when designing a new swine facility. Source: Swine It Podcast, August 30, 2022. Link. INSIGHTS: Ventilation is as important for farm workers as it is … [Read more...]