Last week we shared the importance of horses having a pasture friend <Link>. Research from Ohio State University suggests that horses need a minimum amount of space to derive all the benefits of turnout and to stay out of each other's hair. Source: EQUUS, August 29, 2023. Link. Study data showed horses kept in pens that allowed 342 square meters* per horse had reduced … [Read more...]
Munching on meal worms
Some say plant-based meat alternatives have lost their hype. Meanwhile, scientists are working to develop another protein alternative using mealworms. Source: PORK, August 26, 2022. Link. Containing high amounts of fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber and high-quality protein, insects can be considered both a nutritious and healthy food source, the article claims. Also … [Read more...]
Dry cow rest may equal more live calves
The old method of putting cows into a dry pen and forgetting them is being debunked by research. Getting cows started off right in the dry period, keeping them healthy and ending it fully rested means more calves, more milk and happier dairy persons. Research from Ohio State University shows improving the factors that encourage close-up cows and heifers to lie down and rest … [Read more...]