In a recent study, Abby E Schuft, PhD, and her team evaluated three educational methods to teach protocols for a biosecure barn entry and exit. They evaluated the number of errors, length of time to complete and how the education method affected compliance over time. Biosecurity takes constant training, continual reminding and frequent auditing to reduce errors. Source: … [Read more...]
ICYMI – FDA releases new 5-year antimicrobial stewardship plan
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine new five-year plan kicked off October 1st. It is intended to build upon the progress of the previous plan for FY 2019-2023 and advance the FDA’s three main veterinary stewardship goals: Align antimicrobial drug product use with the principles of antimicrobial stewardship Foster stewardship of … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – September 21, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, September 14, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from the September 14th AHD Bulletin – Things that fit through a surgical mask. Link. Practical advice about heartworm preventative lapses. Link. Call to action: Educate the public about the cost of pet ownership. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary … [Read more...]
Studies show need for vigilant African swine fever on-farm prevention
These two articles address issues with protecting against African swine fever infections and the spread of disease. In the absence of an effective vaccine, the importance of biosecurity for pork producers is paramount. Source: National Hog Farmer, August 14, 2023. Link. Source: PORK, August 17, 2023. Link. INSIGHTS: An industry colleague who recently interviewed … [Read more...]
Foreign animal disease outbreaks on minds of producers
More than 65 percent of persons interested in swine health and production are concerned about foreign animal disease getting into the U.S. hog population based on this snapshot of a National Hog Farmer reader poll. Qualitative measurements help animal health pros identify opportunities to support producers’ prevention efforts to keep animals and the food chain safe. Source: … [Read more...]
Veterinarians, nutritionists find value when working together
Swine production practices have advanced considerably in the last two decades. The historical large divide between veterinarians and nutritionists is progressively closing. AMVC swine veterinarian, Jason Hocker, and swine nutritionist, Trey Kellner, shared perspectives on finding value at the intersection of veterinary medicine and swine nutrition in pork production during the … [Read more...]
35th World Pork Expo draws more than 10,000 people
Reports from three swine publications indicate the 2023 World Pork Expo was a success. Authors cite camaraderie, concerns about personal and professional health and touch on the top issues covered in seminars and presentations. Prop 12, labor, input costs, biosecurity, market opportunities and new technologies were topics of high interest, as were world-class BBQ and … [Read more...]
New product tour at World Pork Expo to use Shark Tank virtual format (slideshow)
During the Global Hog Industry Virtual Conference, a panel of pork industry experts review products, keeping in mind how each would benefit producers and the industry. Respective company representatives present a two-minute video or sales pitch to the panel of judges, after which the judges ask questions about the product in the style of TV's Shark Tank. Online voting for … [Read more...]
World Pork Expo starts June 7th
The World Pork Expo returns to the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines, Iowa, June 7-9. Presented by the National Pork Producers Council, this year's Expo will give attendees a packed schedule of events, including an expansive tradeshow, educational seminars and networking events. As we celebrate 35 years of the show the World Pork Expo will continue offering opportunities to … [Read more...]
Regional swine disease warning tool now available
The Early Regional Occurrence Warning project was launched with the Morrison Swine Health Monitoring Project in September 2022. Funded by the Swine Health Information Center, the effort aims to increase swine disease awareness, prevention and preparedness. The first TEROW report was sent May 9th and will be released weekly. The TEROW report notifies participants if a swine … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 20, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, April 13th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from April 13th AHD Bulletin – Don’t assume that old refrigerator is okay for vaccines, antimicrobials. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. Are influencers ready for a world without follower counts? Source: … [Read more...]
Pig monitoring is feasible
Commentary Looking like production manufacturing from the Science Channel’s How it’s Made, swine production is rapidly moving forward with technology. Radio frequency, wireless sensors, remote monitoring, individual pig behavior data and more are advancing efficiencies exponentially. One can’t help thinking about how far swine production has come in the last century and what … [Read more...]
LSU develops patent-pending wild pig bait
Commentary Feral hog control is an issue for ALL animal health pros. Wild pigs reproduce rapidly and cause damage to farms and suburban properties from the southern U.S. and into Canada <Link>. They also pose a growing threat to the environment, people and other animals. If an animal disease like African swine fever or hoof-and-mouth gets into these animals, it will be … [Read more...]
5 key issues for the U.S. pork industry
The National Pork Producers Council latest pork industry economic update summarizes five key pork industry market indicators through January 2023: Consumer pork demand Projected growth Labor shortages Production costs Ripple effect Source: National Hog Farmer, February 14, 2023. Link. . . . data on hog farm employment specifically shows that average wages … [Read more...]
Studying PRRS virus and its ability to percolate through soils
Swine researchers have noticed that PRRS pathogens tend to increase incidence in breeding farms between October and December which is concurrent with manure application is happening in the fields. It is known PRRS virus can be found in pig feces and pig barn manure pits. Whether the virus can survive and percolate in various soils became the objective of University of Minnesota … [Read more...]
Evaluating the efficacy of intranasal flunixin in piglets
It is common practice to castrate piglets shortly after birth. The procedure is routinely done without any pain management treatments as there are no FDA approved drugs to control pain in pigs. Preliminary research from the College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University, showed the off-label use of intranasal flunixin meglumine mitigated pain post-castration … [Read more...]
FDA releases 2021 report on antimicrobial use in livestock
The FDA instituted elements of veterinary oversight of antimicrobials in 2017. The recent 2021 Summary Report on Antimicrobials Sold or Distributed for Use in Food-Producing Animals shows that compared to 2015 (peak year of sales), 2021 sales decreased 38 percent. Sales in 2021 versus 2020 decreased by less than 1 percent between 2020 and 2021. Source: National Hog … [Read more...]
Sow mortality: What are the main risk factors?
A recent retrospective observational study demonstrated that the disease status of the breeding herds, barn characteristics and whole-herd feed medication were associated with the sow mortality rate. The main causes of sow mortality in this study were sudden deaths (30.89 percent), lame deaths (29.10 percent), prolapses (26.96 percent) and other causes (13.05 percent), … [Read more...]
Defining water quality in swine barns
Understanding water quality and how to interpret water test results is valuable for producers, managers and consultants. A new publication from the Iowa Pork Industry center highlights the parameters pork producers should focus on when testing drinking water in pig barns: Water Quality in Swine Barns – How Do We Define It? <Link> Source: National Hog Farmer, November … [Read more...]
Alginate hydrogel beads show promise during pig transport
Seeking ways to support pigs during the stresses of transport, a group from Texas Tech University studied possible benefits of providing pigs electrolytes and a glucose source in alginate hydrogel beads*. During transport, AHB pigs had more lying activities than those pigs not exposed to beads. After transport AHB pigs sat more and tended to move more than the pigs not exposed … [Read more...]
African swine fever . . . catching up
Commentary It is a rare day without some media reference to ASF. Foreign countries are experiencing active infections in domestic herds and wild hogs. We believe it is important to expose all animal health pros to the efforts in the U.S. to block ASF from entering the country. ASF is a potential One Health issue paralleling HPAI and FMD in its potential effect on food … [Read more...]
Pigs may help treat, prevent diseases in humans
2019 Png vectors Scientists at the National Swine Resource and Research Center at the University of Missouri have become the go-to source for genetically modified pigs. The animals are used by researchers across the U.S. to study various diseases that affect humans. The work is categorized as translational medicine where therapies and treatments … [Read more...]
Certified swine sample collectors will be key during an FAD outbreak
There are few people authorized to collect and submit diagnostic samples during a foreign animal disease response. A collaborative industry group was formed with funding provided by USDA's National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program to address the shortage. The resources and training requirements developed by a collaborative group will improve the swine … [Read more...]
African swine fever is spreading; know how to protect pigs
ASF hasn’t reached the United States yet. But in recent months, the disease has continued to spread into new areas. Through its Protect Our Pigs campaign, USDA is raising awareness of African swine fever to help producers and veterinarians quickly find and share actionable information to defend their herds, livelihoods and our food supply. Source: National Hog Farmer, … [Read more...]
October is National Pork Month
October is National Pork Month, “Porktober”, marking the time of year when hogs were traditionally marketed, writes Cheryl Day introducing a slide show, Great facts about pork. To celebrate National Pork Month, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service is inviting pork producers, processors and anyone interested in the U.S. pork supply chain to participate in a series of free … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – September 22, 2022
Last week’s most read posts – September is National Pet Health Insurance Month. Link. Chewy’s autoship sales hit all-time high in Q2. Link. Last AHD Bulletin - Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, September 15, 2022. Link ====================================== Bird flu now in 40 states Source: Successful Farming, September 19, 2022. Link. Threat … [Read more...]
What is the time, temperature needed to inactivate PRRSV, PEDV?
Using foggers in supply entry rooms for decontamination of fomites entering sow farms to mitigate risk is a common practice. However, recent research questions the efficacy of this method for pathogen inactivation, especially in complex situations where pathogens may be shielded by organic material or blind spots. In this study on time and temperature required for virus … [Read more...]
Allen D. Leman Swine Conference slated for September 17-20.
The 2022 Leman Conference will feature sessions covering everything from foreign animal disease and biosecurity to Prop 12 and gene editing for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome. Internationally acclaimed for bringing science-driven solutions to the complex challenges facing the industry, the event garners hundreds of participants from over 20 countries each … [Read more...]
Vietnam first to commercially produce African swine fever vaccine
USDA's Agricultural Research Service sent an official letter to the Department of Animal Health of Vietnam confirming NAVET-ASFVAC vaccine is safe and effective. Source: National Hog Farmer, June 2, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
Smithfield Foods awarded for net-zero, operational excellence projects
Despite criticism about carbon footprints, sustainability, factory farming and various waste concerns, animal production giant Smithfield Foods is making gains via its daily pursuit of operational excellence. Smithfield Foods, Inc. was awarded 2022 Manufacturing Leadership Awards by the Manufacturing Leadership Council, a division of the National Association of … [Read more...]