Our world IS scrambling to deal with immediate and mid-term fallout caused by COVID-19. We are dealing with a global five-alarm fire. Local levels, however, may only be a one- or two-alarm fire that can be managed proactively. Proactivity requires setting priorities. It may have been years since you were trained on the urgent/important principle President Dwight D. … [Read more...]
Coping with disagreements
From time to time, team members get into disagreements. Conflicts and disagreements are a difficult aspect of working life. Unfortunatelly, a disagreement between two team members often spreads to others. Jonathon Hancock sought top tips from his network for dealing with the disagreements that arise. Source: Mind Tools, May 9, 2019. Link. The financial costs of … [Read more...]
Assertive or aggressive; it’s a fine line (includes video)
It is not always easy to identify truly assertive behavior. This is because there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression. People often confuse the two. Source: Mind Tools, August 1, 2017. Being assertive means finding the right balance between passivity (not assertive enough) and aggression (angry or hostile behavior). It means having a strong sense of yourself … [Read more...]
How to have a great one-on-one
Often there’s a problem that needs discussing, but your boss always seems too busy. So, you keep it quiet and hope it goes away. Sound familiar? Without regular one-on-ones, team members' work might be overlooked and development opportunities forgotten. Other workplace problems, such as team disputes or mistakes, could also get ignored. Good one-on-ones are the cornerstone of … [Read more...]
Minimize distractions
The Mind Tools editorial team offers the 10 most common distractions faced at work and examines strategies for managing or eliminating them. Implementing these measures should mean that you, and your team members, get more done. Source: Mind Tools, August 2, 2016 via newsletter. Dr. Gloria Mark, Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, says that … [Read more...]