Last week’s most read post The difference between disinfecting and sanitizing, according to the CDC. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, December 16, 2021. Link. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Working with a difficult direct report Source: Crucial Learning, September 8, 2021. Link. It only takes one difficult direct report to make … [Read more...]
Dealing with a troublemaker on the team (video)
“Eliminating bad does a lot of good,” says Dan Rockwell, addressing the recalcitrant team member. He shares four steps to dealing with a bad egg on the team: Provide feedback Provide positive intervention Isolate the bad egg Let them flourish somewhere else We would also include. . . Document, document, document Source: Leadership Freak, August 6, 2021. … [Read more...]
3 questions to ask before having a meeting
Aaron De Smet, Gregor Jost and Leigh Weiss write about the challenge of productive meetings. Their topic is leader focused. In determining if a meeting is necessary, much of their guidance applies to ALL staff. Meetings should not be held unless leaders can affirm that they are necessary, define their purpose and ascertain the role of all participants. Source: McKinsey and … [Read more...]
Prevent reverse delegation
Reverse delegation happens when delegated tasks end up back in your bucket. Dan Rockwell offers 12 sentences to prevent this. Source: Leadership Freak, March 27, 2017. Why reverse delegation happens: You want to be helpful. Over-helpful leaders end up doing other people’s work for them. You don’t see it. Some employees are skillful at delegating work to their … [Read more...]
Prevent reverse delegation
Reverse delegation happens when delegated tasks end up back in your bucket. Sometimes it is not your fault, but often perfectionism, over-control or being overly helpful backfires. Dan Rockwell offers 12 simple sentences to help avoid reverse delegation. Source: Leadership Freak, March 27, 2017. Accept 80% as good enough from people who are 80% as skilled as you. … [Read more...]
Kick your inner critic in the pants
In the post Self-talk is worth understanding, we offered two resources to address the inner self-talk that sometimes occupies and weakens our thinking. Dan Rockwell assertively approaches this topic by giving the inner critic a persona. He says, “Your inner critic believes you’re a failure and wants you to stay that way.” Various resources state humans have as many as 70,000 … [Read more...]
7 ways youngsters can succeed with elders
It is common for young people to lead teams that include people older than them. This can cause rifts from older to younger and vice versa. Dan Rockwell says the onus for creating understanding and benefit is mostly on the younger set. Yet, he admits both elders and youngsters may feel the other doesn’t get it. He offers seven great tips to make these relationships … [Read more...]