Throughout history a litany of hucksters has been paid handsomely to deliver motivational messages that have half-lives measured in hours. Ups and downs are a natural part of life. But, when the downs start to dominate our lives, it negatively affects our performance and more importantly, our health. Here are some practical tips to keep you on an even keel. Best of all, they … [Read more...]
Balance empathy and authority
Effective communication skills are essential to achieve effective leadership results. Sending mixed signals creates confusion and often creates paralysis within the organization. Remember, words make up 10 percent of our in-person communication. Thus, it is important to ensure our voice and body language are in concert with the words we choose and that all three are appropriate … [Read more...]
Live by Ancora Imparo
“In retrospect,” often begins a story about missed opportunities, augmented with regrets. The story ends with the admonition to “not make that mistake.” Occasionally, “in retrospect” will yield worthwhile advice that contains one real nugget. “6 Pieces of Advice Leaders Wish They Could Tell Their Younger Selves” is this kind of piece. Source: Forbes, September 19, … [Read more...]
Leaders have a responsibility to stay healthy
Effective leaders realize they have an awesome responsibility and sometimes that burden can lead to burnout or leadership fatigue. Being able to sustain your effectiveness is essential to your success, your team and your organization’s success. The tips presented here to help avoid work burnout could be critical components that ensure your well-being. Source: Forbes, … [Read more...]
10 things never to say in an email
Email is a great tool, but live conversations or meetings in person are better ways to communicate lengthy points of view or work through emotionally charged discussions. The 10 tips here will come in handy, especially when biting one’s tongue is in order. Source: Forbes, June 12, 2016. There is always a better way to communicate your strong feelings than to dash off an … [Read more...]
Story telling as a Sales Skill
Almost every sales expert will extol the virtues of storytelling in the sales process. But, not every story is effective. It must be relevant to the listener. (Answer the question “why should I care?” in your opening.) It must connect emotionally with the listener first, then analytically with a payoff that describes what the listener will have as a result of your … [Read more...]
Revamping your social media sites for 2016
Managing social media is not a priority to many of us. Learn key practices to update your personal or professional information to refresh your social media presence in this article. Source: Forbes, December 28, 2015. A lot can happen in a year, and there’s a decent chance that some of the information on your social media accounts is out of date. Take a look at your location … [Read more...]