We shared concerns about the potential for highly pathogenic avian influenza infections to return as this fall’s bird migration began <Link>. It appears HPAI took a summer break but has returned to commercial turkey flocks in South Dakota and Utah. Fears are mounting that HPAI may possibly become a regular seasonal event. The virus may be present in wild birds and … [Read more...]
Neogen Corporation, launch of Igenity Enhanced Dairy
Complimentary Commercial Content <BQ> Data plays a crucial role in decision-making, and the Igenity Enhanced Dairy platform gives producers a useful tool that contributes to the improvement of genetic selection in the dairy cattle market.” – Victor Pedrosa, PhD Source: Feedstuffs, August 16, 2023. Link. By integrating in-herd phenotypic data, pedigree information, … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 15, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, June 8th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from June 1st AHD Bulletin – How to deal with an angry client. Link. Gen Z’s nonchalance infiltrates the workplace. Link. 2022 National Beef Quality Audit shows increase in quality and efficiency. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by … [Read more...]
Steers provide income, but heifers can generate wealth
The U.S. beef cow herd is at the lowest level since 1962 <Link>. For cow-calf producers who understand and can leverage a heifer’s value potential, steers are great for providing income, but heifers can be used to generate wealth. Heifer calves provide more options and opportunities than a bull calf.” - Aaron Berger Source: BEEF, June 9, 2023. Link. Heifer calves … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 25, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, May 18th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from May 18th AHD Bulletin – Make it clear! Link. The most dog-loving states in America. Link. The Bridge Club to discuss affect of new VCPR legislative efforts. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy … [Read more...]
Brazil detects HPAI in wild sea shore birds. USDA okays vaccination for endangered condors.
Commentary Southern Brazil seems miles away but the discovery of H5N1 avian flu in terns and a brown booby punctuates the imminent risk of managing biosecurity where wildlife, domestic animals and humans intersect. A review of the migratory bird flyways underscores the potential for the viral spread we’ve witnessed in recent months. Lisa Schnirring shares the situation … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – April 27, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, April 20th, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from April 20th AHD Bulletin – Enhancing your customers’ experiences. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. Study says U.S. unprepared for dangers posed by zoonotic diseases Source: Vet Candy, February 13, 2023. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – February 2, 2023
Last week’s AHD Bulletin – Animal Health Digest Bulletin, January 26, 2023. Link. Most read post(s) from January 26th AHD Bulletin – Habits that annoy coworkers and ways to mitigate them. Link. Place keeper: 2023 Veterinary Conferences provided by Galaxy Vets. Link. KC Corridor’s Emily McVey wins 40 Under 40 in Economic Development Award Source: … [Read more...]
Prepare winter pigs to be summer hogs
Proactively thinking about pig management now will go a long way to having full-value hogs during warm weather and traditionally strong market periods, says Jordan Graham, DVM, MS. Pigs born from the late weeks of November through January have historically been the highest value weaned pigs and subsequent market hogs for the year, making how we manage health important to … [Read more...]
FDA approves revised Micotil 300 labeling
To decrease the risk of accidental human injection and other potential routes of exposure, Micotil 300 is now packaged inside a tamper-proof shroud. Access to the product requires a quick-connect device, which is provided with a tube-fed safety syringe by Elanco or its distributors. Safe use and handling instructions are attached to the shroud so that the user can review … [Read more...]
Outbreaks are inevitable, but pandemics are optional (video)
Experts suggest a new era of zoonoses and elevated risks demands new thinking and approaches, shares Krissa Welshans referencing “Zoonotic Diseases in Animal Agriculture and Beyond: A One Health Perspective,” a new paper from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. It focuses on zoonotic diseases and the importance of One Health. Source: FEEDSTUFFS, November 23, … [Read more...]
USDA updates National Bovine Brucellosis Surveillance Plan
Brucellosis has been eradicated from domesticated cattle herds in all U.S. states. However, B. abortus is still present in wild bison and elk in the greater Yellowstone area. The updates seek to increase the ability to detect brucellosis with a high degree of confidence and avoid potential zoonoses. Source: Feedstuffs, November 11, 2022. Link. Also see: Brucellosis: … [Read more...]
Global One Health Joint Plan of Action set in motion
The objectives of the OH JPA seek to create a world better able to prevent, predict, detect and respond to health threats and improve the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment while contributing to sustainable development. Six interdependent action tracks form the plan’s pillars. These priorities are to help achieve sustainable health and food systems, reduce … [Read more...]
Working together to keep African swine fever at bay
Commentary We noted instructions for international travelers on the USDA website <Link> including sanitizing or burning clothing and shoes. This warning is important for all animal health pros and is relevant considering the growing U.S. population of feral hogs: Do NOT visit a farm, premises with pigs, livestock market, sale barn, zoo, circus, pet store with … [Read more...]
Cow confirmation affects milk production, longevity
Data from almost 20 years and more than 1 million cows clearly shows that cows with more correct, functional conformation live longer and produce more milk. Breeding cows that last longer is increasingly important to dairy sustainability. Source: Feedstuffs, October 5, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
FDA approves concurrent use of Pennchlor and Rumensin in rations
Producers can now get the benefits of therapeutic applications of chlortetracycline combined with the coccidiosis control and performance results of Rumensin for receiving/starter rations with the late July FDA approval of the combination. This combination approval of Rumensin and Pennchlor gives producers options for their receiving program to optimize productivity,” Sara K. … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – May 19, 2022
Last week’s THREE most read posts Celebrate graduations. Link. Pandemic lessons for all. Link. 30 is not the new 20. Link. Last week’s AHD Bulletin Animal Health Digest Bulletin, Thursday, May 12, 2022. Link. =================================== CAPC 2022 annual pet parasite forecast Source: Vet Advantage, April 2022, page 50. Link. AHD first … [Read more...]
Considering HPAI and highly pathogenic diseases (podcast)
There are animal health pros who will never deal with poultry or fowl. However, a recent interview with Mark Bienhoff, DVM, can help all of us understand the challenges, risks and prevention strategies required when dealing with highly pathogenic animal diseases. He shares his perspectives on likely fomites including: People and vehicle traffic Dust particles Viral … [Read more...]
Americans projected to eat 1.42 billion chicken wings for Super Bowl
Need we say it? Animal health practices make wings safer than the quarterbacks will be winging the ball downfield at Super Bowl LVI. 😉 “Demand for chicken wings has been through the roof since the beginning of the pandemic. A shift from sit-down restaurants to takeout and quick service has boosted chicken wing consumption,” explains Tom Super, NCC. Source: Feedstuffs, … [Read more...]
Beef cattle: the ultimate upcyclers
Complimentary Sponsored Content As consumers continue to push for more sustainable food production, the beef industry, by way of cattle's natural ability as upcyclers, is primed to deliver. If we think about upcycling in the context of cattle, what they're doing every single day is taking mostly human inedible plants and making a higher value product [beef] with regard to … [Read more...]
USDA vaccine candidate successful in blocking ASF
One of the USDA African swine flu vaccine candidates has been shown to prevent and effectively protect both European and Asian bred swine against the current circulating African strain of the virus. Source: Feedstuffs, September 30, 2021. Link. A major step for science and agriculture, a commercial vaccine for ASF virus will be an important part of controlling ASF in … [Read more...]
University of Missouri project studies increasing prevalence of chronic wasting disease
Chronic wasting disease has been spreading throughout the United States for decades, despite efforts to contain it. Since it was first discovered in Colorado in 1967, the disease has been identified in deer in 26 states, and the Midwest has recently seen a particularly sharp increase of its prevalence. Researchers at the University of Missouri have found chronic wasting … [Read more...]
Advancements in regenerative agriculture
The agriculture industry is under constant scrutiny. This includes animal health, crops, chemical use and overall resource stewardship. Even the pet side of animal health is a consideration as so many ag product components feed a growing pet population. We’re sharing an example of how Cargill’s decade-long investment in sustainable agriculture supports partnerships to enable … [Read more...]
ASF in one third of Dominican Republic provinces, pigs will be slaughtered
The Dominican Republic will slaughter tens of thousands of pigs after detecting outbreaks of African swine fever in 11 of the country’s 32 provinces, according to authorities. Reports indicate the government will pay pig farmers the market price of each animal slaughtered. USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Associate Administrator Jack Shere said safeguards are … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – June 24, 2021
Last week’s most read post(s) – two posts tied for most-read Confidence requires a PLAN, Source: AHD, June 15, 2021. Link. Udder conformation, increasing concerns for farmers, Source: AHD, June 15, 2021. Link. Vaccine workshop leads veterinarians in foot-and-mouth disease planning Source: Feedstuffs, June 17, 2021. Link. The vaccine exercise was part of … [Read more...]
FDA finalizes guidance for antimicrobial drug oversight
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has finalized guidance for industry #263 to outline the process for animal drug sponsors to voluntarily change the approved marketing status of certain medically important antimicrobial drugs from over the counter to prescription. With the successful implementation of GFI #213, approximately 96% of medically important antimicrobials used … [Read more...]
Proper antibiotic use improves producer savings and dairy industry image
Complimentary Commercial Content included Consumer demand for dairy products was up last year. Sending positive messages to consumers about U.S. milk production is key to maintaining this demand, says Linda Tikofsky, DVM, Boehringer Ingelheim. She stresses that being more thoughtful about antibiotic use is also necessary in preserving it as an important tool for the long … [Read more...]
Rural broadband plagued by poor mapping, high costs
Weaknesses in broadband coverage in rural areas were highly evident in 2020. House Agriculture Committee members heard from those who expressed the need to update maps on areas that remain underserved, as well as offer flexible funding to spread out costs to extend broadband coverage. Extended broadband coverage is important to extend the value of telehealth for all species, … [Read more...]
Research explains why cool cows can provide more milk
Heat stress represents a major burden to the dairy industry making improving cow comfort and productivity in the hot and humid summer months a significant management objective. University of Georgia researchers determined that dairy cattle cooled with fans and sprinklers respond better to heat stress, produce more milk and have healthier mammary glands. A recent study … [Read more...]
Calf Care & Quality Assurance program launched
The Calf Care & Quality Assurance program is a new program to help ensure optimal calf health and welfare. The program provides a framework that will serve as great resource for anyone working in the calf-raising industry. The CCQA program not only exists to support calf raisers, but it helps the consumer understand the attention given to calves, as well. Ultimately, the … [Read more...]