Temperature and moisture swings common in winter often create a damp chill for the hardiest of horses. Tui Na warming techniques can help warm the horse’s entire body, writes Amy Snow. Every muscle and every joint in the horse’s body will benefit from being warmed in winter using these easy-to-learn techniques. Source: Equine Wellness, February 17, 2021. Link. Tui-na is one … [Read more...]
Comparing professional and at-home laser therapy for horses
Includes Commercial Content Laser therapy is now recognized for its therapeutic benefits in veterinary medicine. Research supports its use in reducing inflammation, alleviating pain, and accelerating tissue repair and healing. In this article, the authors compare professional and at-home therapy approaches. Source: Equine Wellness, October 21, 2024. Link. For most equine … [Read more...]
Horses get scours too
In a stable or barn environment, bugs are everywhere, despite the best hygiene practices. Salmonella bacteria are rugged bugs in these environments and can exist outside equine intestinal tracts for extended periods. Kelly Diehl, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVIM, shares basic information and ways to decrease the risks of salmonellosis. Since it is fair, rodeo and trail ride season this … [Read more...]
Heat, humidity factors in equine heat stress
Complimentary Commercial Content Horses need clean water, shade, moving air and exercise breaks to avoid overheating when temperatures and humidity combine to create heat stress. Source: Equine Wellness, June 24, 2021. Link. Evidence suggests that insulin action is a key component of the heat stress response. Chromium improves insulin function and results in efficient … [Read more...]
Spring grass and horses
Juliet M. Getty, PhD, provides guidance on fresh grass and the potential problems it can cause for horses. She continues with tips on monitoring grasses throughout the season. Source: Equine Wellness, April 15, 2014. Link. Tasty spring grasses can offer too much sugar and starch for the insulin resistant horse, thereby increasing the risk of laminitis. However, with careful … [Read more...]
Q&A: Caring for the emotional needs of a healing horse
Recovery from injuries, disease or other conditions affect a horse’s well-being. It’s also important to consider horses’ emotional needs during these times of stress, writes Stephanie Sawtelle. It is often necessary to modify a horse’s normal routine of feeding, turn out and exercise to accommodate physical healing. These changes to the routines can cause stress and have a … [Read more...]
How equine supplements complement forage
Sometimes hay just isn’t enough, says Clair Thune. She shares how equine supplements can help horses get the nutrients they need to thrive. Source: Equine Wellness, February 2, 2022. Link. Look for products that provide at least 50 percent of the National Research Council guidelines for copper and zinc and 100 percent of the guidelines for vitamin E. Note that the amounts … [Read more...]
6 nutrients that support hoof health
Commercial content included Certain nutrients can make a huge difference in the state of a horse’s feet. The author outlines six ingredients that can have a positive impact on hoof health and stability. Source: Equine Wellness, January 13, 2022. Link. … [Read more...]
The energy field of horses
In this age of mindfulness and stress reduction guidance, Joan Ranquet’s article caught our attention. She explains, we all are electromagnetic beings with an energy field around us often called the aura. Frequently referenced as a “sixth sense,” this phenomenon is also called morphic resonance or swarm theory, she writes. Most of us have experienced this with a dog or cat, if … [Read more...]
How often should a horse see the dentist?
The most important person in tooth care for horses is the one hired to float the teeth, says Lu Ann Groves, DVM. Horse age, loose or erupting teeth can make a difference to how often teeth need floating. The general rule is that a horse’s teeth should be floated every year. But this may not always apply. . .” Source: Equine Wellness Natural Health Report, September 2021. … [Read more...]
Nutrigenomics: the future of feeding horses
Nutrigenomics is the scientific study of how nutrients can interact, directly or indirectly, with an animal’s genome. This interaction influences how genes are expressed, which can affect health, disease and performance, writes Marty Adams, PhD, PAS. The goal of equine nutrigenomics is to tailor a horse’s diet based on their genetic information, so they grow in a healthy state … [Read more...]
Equine supplements: Look closely, they may not be needed.
Horse owners are always trying this or that to get more out of their animals. Sarah Voss reminds us that supplements are not regulated by the FDA or USDA. She says: Make sure any supplement is something a horse truly needs Contact a veterinarian familiar with the horse’s history first Look at the packaging to determine the quantity of each ingredient provided Ask … [Read more...]
Worth a Glance – July 15, 2021
Last week’s most read post Society ignores low-probability events that have far-reaching consequences, Source: Animal Health Digest, July 7, 2021. Link. Become the boss of your emotions Source: Healthline, April 28, 2020. Link. The ability to experience and express emotions is more important than you might realize. The felt response to a given situation, … [Read more...]
Senior horses need to play too
Regardless of a horse’s age, physical and mental status stimulation through horseplay provides benefits to health and longevity, writes Jason Fowler. This activity promotes well-being via the regular production of dopamine. Source: Equine Wellness, November 2019. Link. When it comes to horseplay, the main goal is dopamine production for a horse’s mental and physical … [Read more...]
Travel checklists for horse caretakers
Horse owners traveling will appreciate these lists to ensure horse health. Hannah Arington provides a checklist for traveling with horse(s) and one for a horse sitter. Consider sharing the article on social media, in newsletters, with local equine hobbyists and with 4-H and youth development groups. Doing it now will help prepare recipients for upcoming county and state … [Read more...]
10 common health mistakes horse caretakers make
Farm calls are excellent opportunities to observe not only horses, but things in their environment that can impact overall health, shares Laurie Gallatin, DVM. Sometimes our horse husbandry is based on “how we always did it,” or the advice of well-meaning friends, trainers, or even Dr. Google, she says. She shares 10 common mistakes caretakers make. Here’s a sample: Not … [Read more...]
Equine nutrition 101
Without the proper nutrients, horses are also likely to experience depleted energy, behavioral problems, a weakened immune system – and the list goes on. Laura Boynton dug into the vital nutrients horses need to thrive. Source: Equine Wellness, April 23, 2021. Link. “Common errors include feeding the wrong type of feed for the type of horse,” says Kathleen Crandell, PhD. … [Read more...]
Help horses handle vaccination well
Most vaccine labels read, “For the vaccination of healthy horses . . .” Not all horses that seem well are healthy enough to mount immune responses. Stress, chronic lameness, age and poor nutrition can impact immunity. Madalyn Ward, DVM, shares steps horse owners can take to help their horse experience the best response to vaccinations with the fewest negative … [Read more...]
Good guidance on equine supplements
Supplements are designed to help support the normal structure and function of a horse’s body rather than correct an abnormal condition or disease. Today’s horse owners find they benefit from taking supplements personally and want their equine companions to experience these benefits, too. But, they need a careful eye to identify supplements from suppliers that disregard … [Read more...]