“With a knick-knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone,” go the lyrics of This Old Man a nursery rhyme published in 1906. According to Erik Barchas, DVM, bones are a no-no. Veterinary teams might use this as a discussion item for a staff meeting so everyone is on the same page in the practice. Source: Dogster, January 12, 2016. Bones — and it doesn’t matter whether they’re … [Read more...]
Are your dog’s teeth a hot mess?
Veterinary clients can take a quiz in this issue of Dogster and read about dental care. Learn what they’re reading and consider using the quiz as a fun, pre-exam activity while clients wait for their appointments. Two articles in this issue present canine dental care considerations for dog owners. Source: Dogster, February/March 2016. (direct link unavailable) Dental care … [Read more...]