Opinion Whether printed on paper or sent as a PDF, invoices are a way to market your services and products. Different than most collateral, invoices prompt a focused review from the recipient. Uwe Dreissigacker shares five ways to use invoices: Strengthen your branding Sell special offers, sales or promotions Encourage referrals Provide free resources Ask … [Read more...]
To get support for your CX vision, Just ASK!
Customer experience (CX) is a mainstay of business strategies. It is not a new concept, it is just that with the digital experiences added to it, CX can now occur much of the time without humans being directly involved. Krista Sheridan writes about changing the question from one of making people do things to letting people do things. In other words, asking for help. Source: … [Read more...]
Embed customer-centricity into your DNA
Customer-centered focus becomes part of the DNA of a business or practice when its customers are at the center of every decision. This article is the 11th in a series of 12 on this subject. Animal health pros closest to customers’ needs often find themselves in conflict with leadership. But focused, customer-centric behavior is a primary context to the most successful … [Read more...]
Customer context important in demand generation efforts
Marketing and sales persons will find this Important. A customer has many different interactions with a company, their buying process is just one of many touch points. If marketers make the mistake of thinking about demand generation in isolation, this could lead to a poor customer experience. Marketers responsible for generating demand need to think of their demand generation … [Read more...]