There it was on a cough lozenge label . . . birch sugar. It took a minute to correlate birch sugar to xylitol despite knowing that sugar-free often means xylitol is an ingredient. So, since it is cough and cold season and many folks are dieting, it is a good time to share warnings with animal health pros and their pet owner networks that Xylitol is poisonous to dogs. Dogs … [Read more...]
Colorado State University offers foaling course for owners, managers and students
Foaling and Foal Care is a continuing education course designed to provide horse owners, broodmare managers and foaling attendants an overview of normal foaling, dystocia, routine care of the newborn foal and other important topics. Recommended participants are those responsible for attending pregnant mares through the birth process. The virtual curriculum provides guidelines … [Read more...]
Temple Grandin celebrates her 70th birthday (with her own beer)
World-renowned animal behaviorist, autism activist and author Temple Grandin, PhD, celebrated her 70th birthday last month at Colorado State University where she is a professor in the Department of Animal Sciences. Hundreds of current and former students, industry leaders, university personnel, plus the director of the award-winning 2010 movie, “Temple Grandin,” attended. A … [Read more...]
Temple Grandin added to the National Women’s Hall of Fame
Temple Grandin, Colorado State University and animal sciences professor and world-renowned spokesperson for autism, has been named to the National Women’s Hall of Fame. She is one of only 10 women to receive the honor this year. Source: Colorado State University, February 10, 2017. A professor of animal sciences for more than 20 years, Grandin has made enormous … [Read more...]