The FDA recently published a Q&A page about federal requirements related to a veterinarian’s role in dispensing prescription animal drugs and establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship in the course of practice. The page only covers the veterinarian’s obligations under federal law. Consult state licensing boards to determine if there are additional requirements … [Read more...]
Brakke study shows pet owners not always aware of e-retail options
The recent Pet Medicines Home Delivery Study by Brakke Consulting uncovered notable e-retail trends for pet products, writes Joseph Harvey. It revealed home delivery is directly linked to improved compliance, but clients need to know about the service. Many US veterinary practices are well positioned to supply customers in an online capacity through home delivery and autoship … [Read more...]
Home delivery, autoship important offerings for veterinary clients
ICYMI. Ordering online is rapidly becoming an expectation. Already, convenience is table stakes. Malinda Larkin shares takeaways from survey results presented by Brakke Consulting. The survey looked at consumer preferences and behaviors in pet medicine purchasing, customer satisfaction with different channels and service expectations, and the competitive landscape versus major … [Read more...]
Skipping rocks and back to basics
Commentary . . . contains commercial content Every week our AHD team reviews hundreds of media items. Much of the content is about new, progressive trends or the personality of the month. When reading some recent pieces, I was reminded of helping my grandson learn how to skip rocks. The basic lesson starts with finding a flat rock, not too big, not too little . . . then … [Read more...]
Report: Animal health industry experiencing highly competitive labor market
Scott Nolen highlights excerpts from a 2022 report shared by Brakke Consulting during its presentation, "2023 Animal Health Industry Overview" on January 16th at VMX. More than half the U.S. animal health industry saw a higher employee turnover rate in 2022 . . . whether it's a pharmaceutical company or a veterinary practice, all sectors of the industry are experiencing … [Read more...]
Latest well-being study reveals increased distress among veterinary professionals
It is no surprise the pandemic impacted many veterinarians and clinic staff, including veterinary technicians, veterinary assistants, practice managers and client service representatives. More than 90 percent of study respondents reported the shortage of qualified veterinary staff has been one of the biggest concerns throughout the pandemic. Sixty eight percent indicated … [Read more...]
Embracing the open pet pharmaceutical transition
Results from the 2015 Pet Pharmaceutical Market Study, a collaboration of Brakke Consulting, Inc., and Trone Brand Energy are summarized in three main areas: Tracking the portable pet prescription movement Diminishing veterinary pharmacy revenues Veterinary pharmacy revenue loss coping strategies The study collected responses from U.S. companion animal … [Read more...]
Traditional vet practice models must change
The Changing Pet Ownership study offers insight into three generations of pet owners of multiple ethnicities. It also describe implications of market changes to veterinarians and the pet industry as a whole. Brakke Consulting and Trone Brand Energy joined forces to complete the study. Source: Brakke Consulting, May 6, 2016. Press release. This study points to a number of … [Read more...]