Holiday cleaning, followed by spring cleaning, puts pets at risk from common household cleaners. Consider this article for social media, newsletters and local community media to help pet owners avoid risks to their pets’ health. Source: Better Homes and Garden, January 9, 2025. Link. When cleaning around pets, it’s important to avoid certain cleaning agents due to their … [Read more...]
What happens to water left sitting out
This article by Christina Manian, RDN, is worth reading for personal reasons and relates to water quality for animals. Fresh, clean water is foundational to animal health and often overlooked by animal owners <Link>. When water is left sitting out, uncovered for eight or more hours, the carbon dioxide in the air starts to mix with it. This chemical reaction will result … [Read more...]
YYuk! Average office desks contaminated with more bacteria than public toilets
The surfaces around your workplace are some of the worst bacteria hotspots you come in contact with each day, writes Jessica Bennett. Keyboards, telephones, computer mice, desktops, coffee cups, door knobs and more can have more than 30 times the bacteria compared to public toilet seats. Bennett offers ways to clean up these bacteria traps. Animal health pros have a handy … [Read more...]
Lest we forget our Valentines
Emily VanSchmus shares the history of why we celebrate Valentine’s Day. It is THIS Sunday, February 14. There’s still time to plan! People have been sending Valentines since 269 A.D. Source: Better Homes and Garden, January 11, 2021. Link. Happy Valentine's Day animal health professionals! … [Read more...]
Content for dog owners
Animal owners are full of questions. If you don’t believe it, monitor one of The Bridge Club Pets sessions or videos < link >. Our industry supports more than 150 publications targeting animal owners, all of which compete for their eyes and their dollars. The scope of social media has progressed considerably beyond Dr. Google. We share the following information for dog … [Read more...]
Sponsored Content – My MAXI/GUARD® surprise in Better Homes and Garden
During a recent visit to the grocery, I picked-up a copy of Better Homes and Gardens magazine. A one-page article featuring a Pug titled, “Happy Teeth” caught my eye. It referenced Jan Bellows, president of the Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry. My surprise was under the heading, “The Right Tools” in the right-hand column. Number 1 called out MAXI/GUARD® Oral Cleansing … [Read more...]